2009年4月19日 星期日


Airbourn Toxic Event --"sometime around midnight"

Anyway, so the coachella turned out to be an awesome experience:
To me it was somewhat similar to the Sungod we have at ucsd and other various events. Basically you have different stages set up, and bands big and small come up and play at varous times, you just try to catch them. However this is 10X bigger in size. and there's a lot more interesting things to look at. Definitely a lot of food choices, not awesome, but good enough, and expensive. a lot of beergardens as well. LOTS and i mean LOTS of drunken, pot smoking kids and older adults who never grew out of puberty. the whole day i just felt like my lungs were going to be develop cancer. However the concert itself is very cool. a lot more laid back then i thought. you can be as close to the band or as far as away as you want. so in the beginning (ie. Airbourn toxic Event) we stood the whole time watching them. the song Sometime Around MIdnight was even more awesome to hear live, with the string quartet and the explosiveness of the band and seeing so many people singing the lyrics. It's a song about an old love, or a run in with an ex. Such a great tune.

Then we saw the Ting Tings, Franz Ferdinand, Beirut, Silversun Pickups, and various other bands. there were bigger stars like Paul Mccartney and Morrisey, who i don't particularly care for out of my ignorance (I was probably only a fetus or not even a fetus) when they were huge. i mean, the beatles were great and i love them, but i dont like any of the solo stuff after that. and The Smiths i really just dont know much about. but apparently they are like gods. anyway i digress.

The ting tings were soo fun to watch. i loved their catchy tunes and to see so many people joining in with the dancing was just interesting. and Beirut was apparently bigger/more popular amongst people than i thought. i had only heard one song from them but their sounds are unique in that they use a lot of trumpets and accordians so it almost sounds european. Franz Ferdinand, without a doubt was great like usual. i've never seen them live before but they are super stars now compared to when i was in college and they had jsut hit it big with Take me Out. and i saw them sitting down too. a very relaxing experience. Silversun Pickups was good, i saw them 2 years ago when they opened for snow patrol. but they continued to make good music and hit the jackpot again with their Lazy Eye.
Silversun Pickups --Lazy Eye

Beirut - Nantes

The concert and festivities took forever. in general just a lot of a**es and boobs. it was scorching hot and the girls relaly let it all hang out. in comparison i was dressed rather conservatively (a sleeved souvenir t shirt from chicago with black pants and tennis shoes, i was burning. but people kept yelling chicago at me). we walked 5K back to our car and when we got home it was 2AM. we were pooped. would i do it again? maybe. it was worth it to spend that much to see 6+ bands i really like and discover others. and people watching.

more about the SM Beach Cleanup and Anisette Brasserie tomo...
