2010年2月16日 星期二

another thing(s) that contributed to my pessimism toward guys

So for our little V-day celebration amongst as singletons, we went for

the Corkbar:

and Seven Grand

to celebrate(or cry about our sorrows). We celebrated prematurely on the 13th, because 14th people will be busy celebrating chinese nye or whatnot.

the bars were indeed very fun to be at. The Corkbar had a great selection of wines, so we tried a couple of whites and reds, paired with some bar food/sandwiches. The interior decor was nice and cozy. You basically sit on this plank of wood with pillows on them, while the ceilings are highrise with windows from floor to ceiling, almost giving you a so-ho feel as if you're in the chic-est part of nyc. Senven and Grand is this other downtown bar in LA that almost makes you feel like you walked into a cigar bar accidentally. Lots of people and lots of interesting decors (like deer heads hanging on the wall). I am guessing they haven't renovated this place since the 50s.

It was good catching up with friends i haven't seen in a while due to rotations. We each bitc*ed about our rotations, our preceptors, our medicine teams, our patients. then one of my friends started talking about how about 6 guys hit on her during the past 2 months... well, the thing is, i think all my girlfriends are pretty attractive and they get approached by guys constantly. The same applies for my own family members as well. I get hit on like, once in a blue moon (and that guy is usually pretty blind). But these people get it like it's air and water. from all my past experiences at the hospital I absolutely felt like a ghost on the floor, coming in and out of the nursing unit with no one really stops and asks how you are (apparently they were all busy reading patient's chart or xray or something). And then my friend was telling me about her chatting with her attending on facebook, all of them going to grand rounds (noon time lectures) together, getting food together, meeting up after rotation, the mild flirtations going on. and then that's another "bite me" moments (see Monica in one episode of Friends) for me. so i guess being professional isn't enough, i gotta throw in a little cuteness at work and llightly brush up against my attending's arm and add them on facebook. (or better yet, just get a plastic surgery to change the way i look-- too bad i'm happy with the way I am).

So me and my other friend both agreed that what she did was extremely unprofessional (becuase my pretty friend was whining about how she got ding'ed by her preceptor for being too friendly with her team and acting unprofessional). I held my tongue about it but my friend flat out called her actions nonprofessional as well (I'm guessing my pretty friend was really hoping by telling us she would get some kind of validation).

and then, during her bathroom break, the med student at our table asked us if it would be a good idea to ask for my pretty friends number. Hello? were you not there during the past 2 hrs hearing those stories? he would have to kill all of his other competitions and come out on top in order to win her heart. My friend warned him about my pretty friend being very princessy while we were all on a trip together, but apparently that didn't bother him at all. so finally when we hit the second bar he shifted into action.

So, the moral of the story is, like i've reiterated many times before, that nobody needs to change to be a better person. we can all stay exactly the way we are, hoever horrible, bossy, sarcastic we are, because if someone likes you and you are attractive enough nothing else matters. you dont need to humble yourself to make yourself down to earth or hang like 'one of the boys' or read more books to be more literal. Heck, i can probalby burn all my pharmacy books and read Cosmo for the rest of my life. my younger sis goes out parties all the time and she always claims that she looks better than my other pretty sister, she thinks all of her bfs will never do better because she's the prettiest they ever dated, and she can't even write a one-page paper without making major grammatical mistakes (which i have to correct for her). and guys hit on her on a daily basis like there is no other woman in this world.

Story 2: guy friend #2 who complained incessantly to me over the past years finally met a girl online. And after Vday he wants to dump her. Reason: she's a bad dresser, she doesn't want to go out and do anything, she has bad skin. and he's calling the other girls in my class a 8 or a 9 and was completely in awe when he found out that these 9's have recently become single (that includes my pretty friend). Well,i'm guessing that he already knew his gf's fashion sense and bad skin upton meeting her, so why that comes as the newest revelation i have no idea.

this is why i focus on my career. i can never change the way i look or dress Ho-y because there will always be girls who look prettier and look 10 x Ho-yer when I go out. I dress for myself. if that means i will have no luck with guys for the many years to come i can't change that fact. i have no doubt in my mind that i literally just committed myself to another 10 years of singleness.

3 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

The thing I don't get is, do you really like those guys that hit on your friends? I bet if they hit on you, you wouldn't like them, either.

Anyway,每個人的審美觀念不同, I don't think your sisters are any cuter than you are. All three of you are cute in your own way. That's all.

匿名 提到...

What a great resource!

匿名 提到...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it