2010年2月20日 星期六

Still anxious. but what the heck. :P

I finally decided that I would go home home to TW tomorrow. And thank god they squeezed out one last ticket for tomorrow so I am able to leave. I decided that I want to catch the end of Chinese new year. Because it's just getting too sad and stressful here with all the crazy anxious thoughts in my head. It's actually pretty unhealthy for me to be thinking it over and over while not having anything solid to work on. At least when i had rotation I could destract myself temporarily by doing what i was supposed to be doing but now that I am off, i sort of spend every waking moment panicking.

A quick update:
My interview at BMS actually went really well (I think). Well, I was really tired because i woke up at 630am (330am LA time) so my brain was in a blur. But i managed to pull myself together. I could just feel that it was taking me longer to answer questions. well, not as long as as 5 seconds but longer. Whereas before I could follow with a perfectly orchestrated answer, this time i actually "thought" before I answered. But overall I think they were pleased with my performance. I was also very impressed with the proactive role of the department. They actually give the fellow a lot of responsibility and allow you to work with departments to get as much experience as possible. And although the job title isn't glamorous, the new director is actually very ambitious about taking it to the next level and making things more 'strategic". which i like very much. Also the products i will be working on would be in the cardiovascular/diabetes sector, so that's definitely a great place to start out. and they provide you with opportunities to go to conferences and to shadow their medical science liaisons and to talk to the healthcare providers. These are definitely opportunities that are hard to come by. Definitely will be hard to say no if it does happen. We will see about that.

The only thing I have to get over is the distance.

however i must say whether it happens or not, i really do enjoy the star treatment of being flown out and lodging/pick up service provided. It will be a long long time until i will get this kinda treatment. i dont find it hard at all, the traveling. in fact i enjoy it a lot. being at diff airports, talking to diff people, staying at different hotels on my own and enjoying the room delivery, having someone hold a sign with my name on it when i get off the plane. i think that was partly why i was somewhat distraught when i was rejected by the other two companies last time for very vain reasons such as these.

Lastly, a very pleasant surprise. After my 24-hr whirwind visit to NJ, i realized my flight back to LA would land at 5pm, a TERRIBLE time for LA traffic. since i parked my car at the airport parking lot, i decided to spend a little more time on the westside until the traffic dies down. So I gave my cousin a call. And she happened to be free so i dropped by her apt. then i played with the baby for a good half and hour before i went to japanese with my cousin. then due to the lateness/rain of the night my cousin actually offered to have me stay over. I gladly obliged...more time with the baby. ;) SO CUTE! Definitely a good way to end my travel-filled panic-filled week....can i PLEASE have a permanent baby in the house who doesn't grow up who I can come home to each day?
