2008年1月19日 星期六

a horrible, horrible start of the year (so far)

I'm regretting that I decided to see Atonement today, not because the movie was bad, but seeing a sad movie definitely did not prepare me for the sad bunch of things that followed when i got home. It seems like i'm gonna have to serve my first jury duty ever, and who knows how many days that's going to take. but yes, i've officially received THE LETTER. And i have no good reasons not to do it. So on 2/19 i will be dragging my sorry ass there.

Secondly, the frigging school situation which i still haven't found a solution to because i am simply too mad to talk about it. It started as my professor wanting us to form groups of 8 so we can work on the upcoming case studies. And the situation got really weird because i always sit with these 2 girls and, i decided to wait til break to start the process and also because, everyone will bein a group because you jsut sit with people who you can be in a group with. it really wasn't that big a deal at all. Then the issue came up, it appeared that the girl who all of a sudden joined me and my close friend in sitting this year decided to attach herself to another group, AS SOON AS BREAK STARTED, she just flew over to these people and asked to be in their group. And then me and my best friend in class were liek okay, we'll find other people. and then EVERYONE was already in a group. What really gets me is, the professor said that the group doesn't have to be 8 people exactly, it can be more or less. but when i asked ANYONE about it, they only responded, "sorry, i'm already in a group." without saying that but you can join us too. because that's what i would have said. and i thought i was pretty close with these people. So me and my best friend were stranded in this awkward situation because we were in a group of TWO. the cases aren't that hard, and we didn't really minded doing it with only 2 people. but it's the principle that counts. and the following day when we had to form a little discussion group the fucking girl next to me turned to the people sitting behind us and asked to be in their group. seriously what is HER PROBLEM?! if she hates so much to be in a group with us then fucking go sit somewhere else. it wasn't even so much that i want to be in a group with her because i'm so over high school, but the fact that she tries to act like a friend and then turn around and act like she despises being in a group with you.
And that's not the highlight of the story, TODAY as i checked my e-mail the professor sent out an e-mail to the whole class and said: THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE DONT' HAVE A GROUP SO PLEASE FIND ONE. and there were 7 people on the list. i was one of them. because the PROFESSOR SAID THE LIST IS DUE NEXT WEEK. so i haven't turned it in. now she's broadcasted to the whole class that these 7 people are so extrmely pathetic that no one wants them in their group. i can only imagine what it's like next week in class. great claire can't even find herself a fucking group to be in because the people who she calls friends turn out to be bitches. i really can't even believe i'm whining about this because i'm 20 friggin 4 and i'm still whining about being the fat kid in gym class not being picked to be on a team. i'm sure my best friend in the class shares the sentiment because now both our names are on the list. wonderful, on the class listserve. lets have fun while it lasts in everyone's inbox.

and atonement is a sad, sad, movie. tortured lovebirds who can't be with each other. just what i need today. I wonder why i came back for another semester.

1 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

what kind of course would need 8 people in a group?? Wouldn't that mean many slackers in one group? In most of my classes, we have groups no more than 4. Usually, group of 2 is ideal.