2008年1月27日 星期日

A quick one before i'm off to bed

Well, I'm really glad I did what i did tonight. ;)

After much contemplating, my friend and I finally decided to forego with the snowboarding option and go to the ucsd alum association "wine-and-cheese" mixer. Well, partly because of the bad weather these days, rainy storm almost everyday, we figured it would be too dangerous too go up when it's slippery and all, and neither of us, own a four-wheel drive or snow chains. :P That's just the sad thing about being a girl without a bf. :P and driving in the storm just sucks, as i've experienced on the freeway.

Anyway the gallery is located in Santa Monica. I've lived in LA all these years and never discovered this little area where there's a ton of studios/galleries and apparently people do go to them! esp when I was told later that Kate Hudson was just there moments ago. Anyway, here's a link to the exhibition:


Turned out to be a really interesting one on rock stars and different media to present the photography, some creative, some are just down right creepy. We walked in there, not sure what to expect, but people were actually very nice and open. Apparently some of us were there for the first time. They've got quite a wine selection, throughout the entire evening i tried all 3 white wines, my favorite Chardonnay from Brittany france i believe, although the sauvignon blanc and this other thing weren't bad either. But as i'm trying to get to know more wines they are very nice introductory selections. The cheese was a bit too much for me, honestly. I've always thought i am pretty good with cheese but when faced with a platter of barely recognizable cheeses i was a bit overwhelmed. in the end i only had the brie, the gouda, and some american i guess. none of those blue, moldy, half melted chesses. i really appreciate it much better when i eat something that tastes pasterized. :P

Anyhoo, i met some pretty interesting people tonight, of them:

Ofet: this guy who i suspected was gay and actually was. but we had a good talk about everything from working out to school to psychology and getting our money's worth glasses of wine. Oh, and his experience coming out of the closet :P. (i didnt' bring that up, he did).

Jennifer: A all around nice girl who lives in the city next to me. very friendly, and brought a shy friend who didnt' talk much. elementary teachers to be.

Len: this shy guy who actually brought Ofet to the event.

Rick: this EE guy who seemed a bit nervous.

Kathy: nice girl who coordinated the event, and her friend who works at the gallery.

and COLIN: this guy who i spotted very only during the event (no interest whatsoever). practically ran and stopped us on our way out, claiming our need for some water because we both looked red (as i later found out NOT TRUE for me. he was prolly just using that as a line. I'm one of the asians who can hold her bottle, but i think he was interested in my friend). so he was dropping hints left and right, and R never picked up! ;) he probably should have asked for her number directly. i have to say sometimes modesty does not work well with girls.

stopped by a cafe and had breakfast omelet at 10pm. ;) drove home in pouring rain.
