2008年1月30日 星期三

Thank YOU

I am actually kind of embarrassed today but also realize how fortunate i am. I woke up and received an e-mail from a close friend and she was expressing her concerns for me since i .....almost never talk about anything good in my blog....
I'm embarrassed that when i look back on these entries i do sound kind of psychoish and have constant anger outbursts. But I'd also like to say that I don't often realized how loved i am by my friends and family and people who really care for me. I don't realize that enough to put that in my blog. I suppose it's because bad things stay with you longer, as psychologists have proved.

In any case, I want to say THANK YOU <3, and i want to constantly remind myself to get out of that little black hole that sucks me in ever so often.

and thank you for reading. even though this is not a pretty blog. :P
