2008年1月10日 星期四


今年的寒假感覺起來特別不依樣 雖然每天都在趕場很累 卻很充實 真的覺得每次回去時間都不夠 回來後有一個月反而越來越想家 ;*( .....

And since i can't type chinese as fast as i can think in them, i'm gonna take the low road and do everything in english...when i have a chance i'll come back and translate...I PROMISE! I usually can't start writing right away when i come back because i need time to digest a little and think things over. but i'll do what i can today without getting too sad...:(

some of the more memorable things at the end of 2007 (and beginning of 2008)

1). The trip visiting my grandma X2: as usual i'm happy to see her. She's my only grandparent left and sometimes i feel that i can't see her often enough because even when i do visit her i only spend half a day with her (usually over lunch). And we go to the same seafood restaurant. In any case, I sincerely hope her issues are resolved with...whom i can't say. it just saddens me so much when i look at what has happened. i think REALITY is what happens when you grow up. and it sucks to see it happen to someone you care a lot. there's really nothing i can do, but watch. but i pray for her that everything will be better in the end.

2) my trip to Kaohsiung: It happened the second day after i returned. I haven't taken the HSR before so it was a new experience in itself. very fast and efficient, but VERY UNCOMFORTABLE chairs. fortunately not that many people were on it, so i could spread out and take pictures like a dork. and damn it was hot in kaohsiung. felt like summer a lot. and i was being dragged everywere in my jetlaggedness. although i have to say the part sitting next to the river drinking coffee was not half bad. and the seafood was awesome.

3) My trips with G and P: both my middle school friends, recently got together. I have to say that i've learned a great deal about them this time more than ever. the thing is (it's not a secret anymore so i presume it's okay to say), they have recently gotten together. And i used to see them individually, or in a group setting, but now that two of my best friends are together i see them as a couple. And they were nice enough to take me on these road trips. It feels really strange because i feel that the 10 years between us do not exist. in a way i feel taht i've known them better, because it's beyond superficial dinner talk, and in a way i feel that we relived the memory, the time we lost with each other. i feel that a lot of things happen, and i just come in and out of the picture sometimes. did my departure impact other people's lives as much or as little as i think? (i'll explain it more fully in future threads).

4) New Year's Eve

5) Shopping at Idee and having Okonomiyaki :D

6) meeting up with E

7) Meeting up with R and E + cousins and have the night market

8) hanging with 11+ ppl

9) Kon-kuan and Xi men ting

ok lets up i get to finish this fully by tonight..or tomorrow.
