2009年11月18日 星期三

Game on!

Tomorrow is my first officia interview of the series of interview I will be on for the next 4 months. i'm gonna get a phone interview from the eastcoast so i gotta wake up early before work and do it. totally nerve-racking.

It's interesting, as i prepared myself for it, going over Baxter material and trying to remember everything i've done so far and why I wanted industry in the first place, a part of me secretly doesn't want to get this position. does that mean i'm leaning more toward hospital?

I think a part of me definitely want to do a year of residency, THEN go into industry. and i'm scheduling so many interviews with various drug companies to sort of work against my favor. I am not sure why I am doing this. maybe it is out of fear taht if i dont get my feet wet in industry now, i'll end up in the hospital and become a staff pharmacist, which is extremely boring, because then you dont 'rotate', you have your assigned satellite and on weekends and holidays you have to come in to do stuff like checking orders, and not so much the 'clinical' stuff, like making interventions.) The thing is, it is only useful and somewhat rewarding to be a clinical pharmacist if your opinion actually counts. but residency is also a job safety net. if i do one now, i can pretty much work anywhere in any hospital in the future. whereas if i go into industry, with an economy this bad, there is no job security, and i can't relocate anywhere I please. There is always THAT risk.

I know i know, i've been obsessing over it for the past 3 months now and you guys are probably sick of reading it. i guess what i'm trying to say is, life is scary, having to make a decision on your own is scary. moving far far away by yourself with no friends and family really sucks. being such a worry bug i am, i'll probably be upset either way.

1 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

Good luck on your interviews!!
還有,如果你要我幫你看一下你的statements,我可以試試看. 不過我也沒有很會寫,所以不敢說能幫上什麼忙:P
Life is full of decision making. 以前我也會想,要是眼前的決定沒做對,後來我是不是會走上"歧路"什麼的(就是覺得當初選別的可能現在更好的那種想法)? 可是仔細想想,人生是沒有map的,未來的樣子就是由一連串的抉擇漸漸描繪出來的,但是不用去想當初如果選了別的會怎樣,因為那是不存在的事情,就算當初選了,還會有很多很多後來需要做的抉擇,然後那些也都是沒有發生的事情,所以沒什麼好想的. 重點是要珍惜現在的所有,好好做眼前的事情,這樣才不會後悔啊. 得不到的人/事/物總是感覺很美好,因為有那模糊未知的假象,可是那是只是假象啊:) 我覺得世上沒有完美的工作,只有盡力去選擇比較適合自己的工作,要不然就是盡力去把工作變成能讓自己開心的工作. 每個工作都有無聊的地方,當初你念藥學的時候沒想過這個業界就是這樣的嗎? 就因為世上沒有十全十美的工作,要享有高薪和job security,大概就得付出"唸書念很辛苦但畢業後工作重複性高又無聊"的代價囉:P 不過不管你選什麼,都不要擔心太多,人生很長,永遠可以換工作,永遠可以做改變,只要你願意. 所以真的不要擔心太多,好好把這些interview搞定,也許在這過程中你會看得更清楚什麼是你想做的也說不定. 加油加油! (寫太長了,抱歉:P)