2008年10月26日 星期日

So many nights....

doesn't this song make you want to dance around? well, it DID make me dance around....;) in the house. Yes, i spend SO MANY NIGHTS in front of my notes studying for exams.....very closely reflects my life as a grad student right now.

However, it was a good weekend that I had. Although there is yet another exam to study for (and another one, another one after that...etc.) i've had some really good fun. Here's a really quick recap:

Friday EARLY morning:
Left the house at 520AM to head to VA West LA (a hospital). I was shadowing the pharmacy resident for a day. So i had to attend two rounds with him and the physicians, which turned out to be an eye-opening experience in many ways. For one, it wasn't as intimidating as i thought it would be. Surprisingly, the method we are taught at school actually closely resembles how they actually debrief about a patient, so i was able to catch on with whatever that's going on. They had 2 interns, one resident, and one case manager for 24 beds. The sad part is, the pharmacist actually doesn't seem to be as involved as i think. Bascially we were just spectators of the doctor's conversations. they didn't really ask for our input on anything. :/ probably the downside of hospital pharmacy, i'm guessing. however, i'd still rank it higher than community if i had to choose. Left the site at 1pm, EXHAUSTED.

Friday night= Halloween night!
Well, it wasn't actually halloween, but we went to Universal Studio for their annual Halloween haunt. It was my first time there, so i didn't know what to expect. It turned out to be a pretty fun experience, not super scary. the theme throughout the part is jason/Texas Chainsaw. So you would see monsters chasing girls around with these almost realistic chainsaws that made loud noises. pretty freaky i guess. Except i'm really not a big fan or western scary movies. So while they tried their hardest to scare me, i didn't even wink. ;) haha, but the tram part was quite fun. We took the famous tram tour down to the studio lot, and at one point they dropped us all off so we could walk through the sets of the famous Batz Motel from Psycho, War of the World set...etc with different monsters chasing us around. Definitely a very entertaining experience. One of the highlights of the night was probably the SIMPSON'S RIDE. it was mind-blowingly fun. They replaced the Back To the Future Ride with this, and although the wait was excruciatingly long, but it WAS SO WORTH IT! although it was a simulator ride, i felt like i was really flying through air with the Simpsons.

Saturday = old roommie get-together at Phoenix. Yum.

Sunday = study day
I traveled out to West LA to study with a close friend. And i started talking about my struggles this year. and i normally feel guilty about whining, so i wasn't planning to do it for long. But she was giving me some very constructive opinions. I understand that everybody has their own worries, so i hate to overwhelm them with mine. But she was actually able to put everything in perspective for me. I need to break the cycle of talking myself down. I gotta realize that if i try harder, i will get there. Maybe other people get it right away, but that doesn't mean i will never achieve my goal, it's just taking me longer and more effort. But i should try to get as close to my goal as possible. I need to look at things as if i can DO IT. and not like it's just another class i may fail. I've already committed my self to this. whether i like it or not, i need to look at it like i MADE THIS CHOICE, and i have to stick with it.

It's going to take a while for my ambitious self to come back, but it will come back. I know it will.
