2008年11月10日 星期一

It's only monday and i'm stressed already...

Well, i'm guessing it's because working both days of the weekend really sucked. especially when you have a midterm on tuesday. and i have been having one test/week for about 2 months now. so my stress hormone is shooting through the roof. a little recap of my day yesterday:

- pharmacy terribly understaffed, yes, there was only me and my boss. TWO PEOPLE. and she didn't have to ring people up. so i was running back and forth, and i did not pee/step out of the pharmacy for 7 hr. didn't sit down at all, the whole time, working.

- being yelled at by extremely obnoxious bitc*y customers. and yes, i sort of yelled back too. please think twice before you try to yell at me, because when a girl doesn't take her lunch break after 7 hrs of working, you DO NOT want to give her the attitude. i am perhaps the most pleasant person you can encounter at the pharmacy who's willing to help, so if you break THIS last straw, i will make sure you know it.

- being yelled at by MY BOSS. because i started making mistakes, in my hypoglycemic state, after not sitting down for so long and not even taking a break. and it's against the law too, not giving me a lunch a break. i had to finally ask for it so i could go get my lunch at 430 PM!!

- my point being, it sometimes seems ridiculous that i am getting a professional, graduate, doctorate degree. but i'm treated/holding a job feeling worse than a food service worker in the food court at a mall (and i can say this because i've worked cafeteria, and yes, they do get treated better. you get to take your 15 min break for every 3.5 hr of shift and you get your lunch on the house. i can't get jack from the pharmacy, not even a chair to sit on).

- my boss, who often works through her lunch break, or if she does take her lunch, she eats crap (like crackers in the back. and she's not the only person who does it). i'm sorry to say this, but for heaven's sake, have some respect for yourself! have a higher quality of life! i dont care if you chose retail so that you can be close to home and take care of your family, or because the salary is good, or whatever reason. a job is a job is a job. everyone needs a 1 hr break at least, sitting down, and a decent meal. this is why they created labor laws in the first place, so we are not all working like illegal immigrants (this is a metaphor of speech), being stripped away our rights as human beings.

So on the way home, in extreme frustration, i heard this song:

it's is a little piece by Maurice Ravel called Gaspard de la Nuit. then my spirit was lifted. not a whole lot, but lifted.

of course at times like this i think about how i should just go out and marry the next man or whatever i see who expresses the least interest in me. and not having to support myself ever. and not having to worry about how i still have to exceed professionally after i graduate and make my way to the top of a respectable pharma company. i think about the church bells in europe and sadly, i can't picture a face (any face) in my life right now who is remotely likely to propose to me. i hate to sound like golddiggers who think that marriage is the easy way out, but sometimes, you get really tired, from life.

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