2008年9月1日 星期一

Vegas and some morbid thoughts...

ok, let's talk about the happy part of my Labor Day weekend:

It didn't start out happy, I did have to say goodbye to my parents after 2 fabulous of summer fun and time together, before they actually left. My friends came to pick me up so we could go to vegas, so i was actually leaving FIRST. It was hard at the door, knowing i wouldn't be able to see them off when i come home. but i stayed strong.

then once we hit the road, the feelings were much better. After 4 hours we were in the sin city (2nd time for me in 3 months). I was really expecting some good fun this time, since i've always been doing family fun stuff and not really grown up adult entertainment. There were 8 of us, and we stayed at NYNY. our ambitious plan was that, we would check out two of the fancy clubs in town, and spend some time at the pool, and lots of good food.

So the first day we got there, we went to Wynn for their buffet. Which was exceptionally good. except that i couldn't eat much, cuz i was just so full from the afternoon snack (a Jodie maroni Hot dog combo). there was crab legs, shrimp cocktail, the best pastas in town, sushi, creme brulee and sorbet for dessert. YUM.

Then we started going from hotel to hotel, trying to get passes to their clubs. i'm not much of a clubber, but i like to do it as a touristy thing, like been-there-and-done-that kinda thing. The clubs in vegas are supposed to be really fancy, and it was just fun to people watch and dance with your gf's, so that's my excuse.

WE managed to find a few passes, and went back and changed and headed to JET in Mirage...and the horror began:
when we walked in the door, the line was just non-existent. not in the sense that there was no line going in, there was just NO LINE. there was a mob of people just surrounding the entrance, and the bouncers were guarding the door like bulldogs. we were there for the longest time, trying to figure out a system that would get us in. it seemed liek everyone had a vip pass, so our passes really wouldnt' do us any good. and hotness wise, vegas is full of boobs, if you haven't already noticed, and lots and lots of long, endless legs, so we definitely didn't stand out in any way, and i wasn't about to pull a slutty move to catch the bouncer's attention....so we waited and waited til one of our friends tipped the bouncer a whole lot, and were finaly let in..then 2 ppl from our group werent allowed in. so we were in this total state of confusion, because they (guys) just can't get in without girls. everyone was already in a pissy mood then, they ended up having to pay more...blah blah blah. what a horrible adventure. i realy can't see how people club like it's a sport, too much pride is on the line in my opinion.

The club itself was very fancy. there were 3 rooms, and the speakers were loud and clear, so much that i thought i was experiencing arrhythmia, from all the bumping and vibrating. we danced the whole time, moving from room to room, until we were pretty satisfied/tired, then dragged our tired asses home.

The next day we woke up to go to the pool. we got there early enough to secure 4 chairs, then we basicaly just took turns going in the water. since there wasn't much asian representation, i had a pretty hard time taking my shirt off...to flaunt the nothingness underneath it. well, i was determined to swim, so that was what i did. we had fun swimming around, and just lying in the sun reading my notes from school. good times.

We had a show to watch at 7pm, so we had a quick lunch at Il Fornaio and then got ready for the show. which was LOVE by cirqe du soleil....

probably the best show i've seen in a while. probably the best of cirque du soleil in my opinion. if anyone is thinking about seeing a show in vegas, i would definitely give this a try. there were many music numbers, one after another, and you jsut feel like you are brought back to the 60s and the whole psychedelic experience. every song was interpreted perfectly. everything was so imaginative, and i loved the happiness and the sadness of it all. the songs were catchy and easy to understand for any beatles fan of laymen. i especially loved the dialogue they incorporated in the show and the huge projection on the sash screen and the huge bed that rose from center stage that covered everyone up with the bed sheet.

AFter the show, we headed out to the Bellagio, and tried to get into The Bank, which is another club invention in Bellagio. this time there was the chaos again, and i was in no mood to wait forever in my heels. luckily, the bouncers were nice and actually took us in right away when they saw us. we didn't even have to wag our tails. However, we got in so early that there was hardly anyone, so we left 20 min later. what a waste of our vip passes. :P but my feet were killing me.

Our day ended with Bar in Time Square in NYNY. it was a piano bar, with the guys singing the catchy oldies that really revved the crowed up. the atmosphere was relaxed and fun, and we just sat outside and watched.

it was really a wonderful trip, except that i always can't help but feel a little morbid after a wonderful something. but i suppose i will update that tomorrow after my midterm..:P.
