2008年9月14日 星期日

今天有點宅 (j'suis un peu triste)

I've realized that, after reading for 3 hours on how the blood coagulates, and what medications are used to control that, that the major source of my stress is simiply, you just CANNOT love this stuff and do it 24 hrs a day.

Technically i don't stuf 24 hours a day, but d/t the high volume of material we go over everyday and the number of tests we have, when i'm not studying i feel like i should. the thought occupies my mind at all times. When i cook, when i sleep, when i'm on my way to school, when i see the test result, and when i go out and have fun with my friends. I simply cannot get the idea out of my head.

It would be nice, to just take a break perhaps forever, from this madness. I mean, really, it's fun when you watch Scrubs, and you think to yourself, what i'm doing is actually very relevant to the human race and the well being of the general public. and i must say that, medical shows like ER, Grey's Anatomy, House, and Private Practice, give you the sense of hope that while in the healthcare profession, you will encounter attractive individuals everywhere, so your lovelife outside of school isn't bad at all. Afterall, you can always hit up the bar after work with your fellow residents.

but the reality is, the intense pressure from school is giving me bad skin as i sit here and type this, and i've been eating crap for the past two days because i just didn't really have time or the drive to cook myself a nice meal. so i've finally hit the point where i cannot stand it anymore, and went to the market and bought everything i needed to eat for the next 2 days, and cooked chicken veggie soup, before i gain more weight from the crap i've been eating.

The truth is, I should really consider brushing my hair when i go out and get groceries, so i dont look so scary in the checkout line.
