2008年7月3日 星期四

i'm in a mexican state of mind

So...since I came back from my mini vacation, i haven't completely snapped out of the vacation mode. especially when work gets really crazy, and i wish that i'm still lying on the chaise next to the pool or frolicking on the beach. :p 16 hour of the night shift can bring you back to reality. :P

However, a few interesting things have happened over the past two days at work:

-i was scheduled with this SUPER clueless pharmacist who didn't know how to do anything and i was stuck with all the work..while she casually read her book on herbal medicine. -_-

-Then someone conveniently called in sick today, so AGAIN i was super overworked because there were only the two of us there again. -_-

- someone came in for her medications for infections down there, and the nurse ordered the wrong medication for her. so she broke down in front of me crying...saying how stupid the nurse was..because she could't get her meds. a COMPLETE BRIZILLA. she kept calling that nurse retarded and stupid and using other expletives. i dont understand how brizillas are married off and i'm not. ;)

- this really gross couple came in (i mean this really old white guy and his asian gf who didn't speak much eng) i know i know..i'm being harsh but i just dont like guys with that fetish! and so he proudly announced that he's a doctor and he would like to write a prescription for himself. all the while massaging each others backs. for heaven's sake, can't you at least separate for a second?? and so i had to supress the urge of projecting vomit, and they walked off still rubbing each other's backs.

- this guy trying to get his condoms..and the shelf was locked so he asked me for the key. i didnt' know there WAS a key for the condom shelf..so i had him take me to that section and he was pointing out this Trojan MAGNUM. i was trying so hard not to laugh. its hilarious how trojan makes these funny names like Her pleasure and His pleasure and Enhanced pleasure. and I believe Magnum is for XL people having their Magnum sex. the sound of it just makes me want to laugh. this is why you know doctors/nurses/pharmacists/any healthcare professional do laugh after you leave if you happen to have some embarrassing disease. sadly i'm not very professional yet. :P

ok i'm officially updating my trip in Cabo tomorrow! :-)
