2008年7月23日 星期三

jobs that pay the rent

Well, the title is really a metaphor. i kinda live at home, so as of now the situation is rent-free. but i'm talking about in general, in comparison, you always realize what your priority is when you've had different job that suck in different ways.

When i was a freshman in college i used to HATE my job at Summit, which is a school cafeteria that serves really great food. That was probably my favorite one on campus and i was glad i was working there and not somewhere else. And I made some great friends when i was working there who have become my best friends. However i disliked my shifts a lot. Mainly because it was sort of like my first job, and i never had to be on my feet for so long (~ 5 hrs) and serving food in intense heat and smelling like the station i worked at (chinese, pizza, grill, ice cream, turkey sandwich, dishroom..you name it). And i had it when i was going through a breakup so i remembered the day after i was broken up, i still went in to work, and during the downtime i just felt like crying standing there. But i liked the atmosphere, just not the standing and my minimum wage. It got better after i got better shifts like cashiering. but still i knew i didnt want a job standing up, and i've developed such great respect for food industry workers (and therefore hate rude customers who act rude).

And then when i got my job at the lab, it was a lot easier and better than working at the restaurant. I only hated the commute, because i didn't have a car at the time and waiting for the bus to come and spending another 20 min on the bus just take up even more time than the time i spent working in the lab. It wasn't a horrible job, but i dont think i appreciated it enough. it did give me this one summer working with and having the priviledge of knowing this really hot summer intern in my lab. He had the most amazing eyes and a great smile to match and was just all over gorgeous. and he ended up taking a summer class in my genetics class and came to sit with me every time (well, i was a REALLY big dork then)! to this day i still can't believe we studied together which almost caused me immediate seizure on the spot out of nervousness, but that's another story to tell.

So the job at the lab was pretty laid-back. But when i had the ultimate job -- being a note-taker for a bio class -- that was the easiest $10/hr i ever made. you basically show up to class, type everything up, and sell it to the class, period.

So now i'm realizing that i am testing my endurance to the maximum with the current job i hold. i hate it when i have to be there, not 5 to 6 hrs. NINE hours at the pharmacy. According to california law you're entitled to a 15 min break per 4 hrs of working. well, not happening at this pharmacy. you're there till your lunch time then you're back for the rest of your shift. and no chairs.

when i look back to the days i complained about working in the dishroom for 4 hrs and having occasionally rude customers, i think THAT is heaven now (for reasons listed in my previous posts, relating to my current complaints of the job at the pharmacy).

It's funny how when you look back in life you realize how easy you had it then. Right now, my priority in life, is to find a job sitting down. and being able to actually eat my lunch in peace. when you look at the popped veins on my legs you'd know why.

in a way i can't wait til my summer is over, so that i can stop having to work extended shifts and actually sit my ass down in a chair for 6 hours listening to boring lectures. :P

(somehow that just sounded very negative, but i really meant it in a very appreciative manner.....)
