2008年6月20日 星期五

Finally made up my mind: French it is!

Ok, so after a couple weeks of indecision and laziness, I've finally decided on the "class d'ete"---French it is! I have comtemplated about it over and over, and was really having a hard time choosing between French, piano, ballroom dancing, and surfing. I mean, I can see myself enjoy any of these activities, and they each fulfill my life in different ways (i wonder why pharmacy never made the list ;)....), but i had to look at them realistically. It is true that ballroom dancing is practical, especially at my age, when i'm starting to attend various occasions that require some dancing. It would help tremendously if i can just quit that SHUFFLE and start doing something rhythmic. I'm kinda fed up by how embarrassing i look when i'm on the dance floor. and it IS a good way to meet lots of dance partners. However i suppose the drive isn't big enough that i'm willing to commit 6 weeks of my life doing it. It seems more suitable for a school year activity, when you just go and have fun. I suppose it is the same with piano. i would LOVE to perfect my skills, seeing i'm still playing songs i used to play 10 years ago. I feel that i have definitely hit that bottleneck where I am not moving forward, and I can't play the harder songs because i can't figure out the fingers. and i'm starting to forget a lot of the old ones. and i'm frustrated with how sloppy i play my piano. if only one day i can play something more difficult from Chopin, Debussy, or Revel. However, realistically piano is such a home activity. you almost never get to play outside of your house, or if there isn't a piano available. Although I did check out this really wonderful music academy in my area, but I'm afraid since I only have 1 year left where i can receive instruction, it won't take me very far. but oh how i'd love to improve....:(

So surfing looks like something i can always pick up later in life, and it takes 3 days to learn, really..the rest you're on your own. so there's never a rush. plus, i'd really have to get in shape. at this stage i think i will stick with boogie boarding.

So this past wednesday, i called up a few places in the area that teaches foreign languages. one of the L'academie de francais. however their session began already. although pretty cheap per class, i would have to join them a month before their semester ends. so that's not very ideal. then I called up this other place and paid them a visit. and on a whim i just signed up. hence tomorrow i go in for my oral evaluation.

I often wonder if any of this is going to pay off in the future. I mean, yes, another language will always be helpful, but how is it really going to benefit my life? i may never run into a french-speaking person ever again. and even if i do, i probably dont need to engage in any kind of deep conversation with them. and if i am doing it for the sake of travelling, with the 10 vacation days what are the chances i always end up in french speaking countries...i may end up forgetting it all in another 5 years. in that case, wouldnt' it be better for me to learn say piano (entertain myself at home), surfing (work out), or ballroom dancing (you just dont forget)?

and on the other hand, whoever i talk to from my class are working their butts off. I mean, they are either enrolled in a dual degree program, pulling two jobs, or doing a internship. I always sound like such a hippie not completely devoted to what i learn at school. and in a way I do feel that i dont know as much as i SHOULD know at this point of my career. there are still many drugs i can't remember the mechanisms of action, i still have trouble remember brand vs. generic names, and i still feel like flipping out when i have to service patients who are just a pain in the ass. over the past two weeks i have been catching up, working extensively and just draining my energy, but still after a 1-10pm and then 9-6pm shift on my feet i feel like killing myself. how is it possible that i can put up with crap like this? 90% of what i do at work isn't even related to school or any relevant clinical knowledge at all! i'm explaining to patients why their copay is so high, or that we are not trying to steal their money from them, or verifying some prescriptions with TERRIBLE handwriting by some doctors.

where am i going after this? and what am i really doing with my life? everyday i question myself.

1 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

Well, about the last paragraph you wrote, we question ourselves everyday, too!! Think about it this way, at least studying pharmacy usually leads to plenty of job opportunities (though might be boring) that are highly paid:P