2008年4月23日 星期三

Something about my Seinfield-like irritability

It's universally known that I am a easily irritable person, but I always wonder if it's really just me or that people are being incosiderate all around.

So yesterday morning I woke up to this tractor sound and hammering, and I was thinking wtf?! it turned out that my neighbor was having work done in his backyard, and then the pounding just started from 6-whenever i left the house (around 1030). I was in such a bad mood cuz i got NO sleep because i had a terrible allergy and cough, and i was woken up by this unpleasant noise. apparently they were having some kind of construction going on without having the decency to tell us. and my window is right next to his drive way so everytime the tractor comes up the drive way i can hear it loud and clear. I went to school feelign like a zombie.

And this is not the first time, either. This interracial couple has pissed me off for years. REasons: their two boys. They are exibiting the typical american parents behavior: adult-talk to their children, and therefore their kids always cry and whine and yell early in teh morning on the drive way before they leave for school/work and refuse to shut up, and all that their parents do is ADULT-TALK to them. If you don't know what i mean, just walk into any grocery store and you'll see it. They'd talk to their kids like adults in mild manners and be like "put that down, brian. Brian you gotta be quiet. Brian you know you can't do that. We are going to grandma's house it's going to be a lot of fun...." the list goes on and on. The truth is, when you deal with your kids like you're talking to your boss, they take advantage of YOU, as any episode of Nanny 911 can explain. In situations like this, i know what MY PARENTS are going to say, "put that down or i'm leaving you here." And i know pretty well that i'll get my ass whupped if i carry on with my beligerent behavior.

So i've become a victim to their below-average parenting. Their two boys would cry into the wee hours of morning even on days when i had my IV rotation at 530am. So one day a couple months ago i stopped by their house to talk to them, and they were not there (lucky for them). so i left a note and bascially told them to close the window or do something about it. (the night before I called cops on them too).

so the noise went away. but today they are actually pulling this crap on me. without even letting us know. I went out and talked to the workers and basically said that the earliest they can start is 7am, according to the city. and i'm still considering stopping by this afternoon when i get back to personally speak with my neighbor about his little project in the backyard. This is SO TYPICAL of them. Their kids play with the neighbors across street a lot so naturally THEY knew about it and i dont. my window faces them so i hear about EVERYTHING they discuss and the other day i heard something relating to a loud project but didn't know what. This is why i hate some american neighbors because they seem to be in their little wonderland with each other with no regards whatsoever for their non-white neighbors. (and i'm not blowing this out of proportion, i dont care about making friends with them, but you gotta do the basic courtesy of letting them KNOW).

Speaking of my neighbors on the other side, they like to cut trees on our drive way without speaking to us first. they've blocked our entrance TWice in the past year and I AGAIN had to personally stop by their house to give them the talk (because no one in my family would do it). and then i realize they speak mandarin so i turned the lecture into mandarin instead (there's no way you're getting out of this talk). so they can get the point of my discussion.

this is why i need to buy an island and live on it on my own.

2008年4月21日 星期一

never fails

what never fails to entertain a single woman on a single sunday night? A marathon of chick flicks.....

And tonight, they were playing Maid in Manhattan and Pretty Woman back to back.

At first I wasn't going to go out there, considering i've seen the movie at least 100x, and most of them on busses in transit. But I had to take a study break, and it turned into a 'rest of the movie' study break.

Some elements of the film never fail to make me go awww:

1)when she first dressed up in cocktail dress waiting for me at the bar. The way he looks at her....

2) When he took her shopping again in Beverly Hills and she gave those store clerks the "time of the day" when she returned in expensive clothes

3) when she first kissed him on the lips

4) when she found him late at night in the piano lounge. (hot guy x piano = super hot)

5) when he came to rescue her in the end

there might be more i didn't recount. But you get the idea. This, and BJ's Diary, and Pride and Prejudice...i can watch forever.

Sad to say this, but last night I watched parts of The Wedding Date and BJ2. Then I watched wildest moments on Spring break. very entertaining stuff.

and i love this song now:
Secret by Maroon 5

2008年4月19日 星期六

glad i didn't spend that much...

ok so yesterday as a promise to myself in year 2008 I've attended yet another social event. There was a dance at the California Science Center and all of the sc graduate students are invited. $25, food and drinks included. I got a couple of friends to go with, and it was actually pretty fun. except that the room felt like a freezer the whole time, and the catering wasn't that yummy. But as an attempt to eat my money's worth, i seriously had EVERYTHING down to that last piece of brownie and 4 drinks. This girl can EAT. ;)

I wore this cream colored tube dress that goes slightly below the knees. It has layers of laces and a ribbon at the waist. I got this YEARS ago on an impulse and never got to wear it because 1)no date and 2)no event so formal that is worthy of its showcase. But yesterday seemed like a good opportunity, and to actually look decent in that dress i went on a 2 week diet/exercise plan. I would try working out 3 times a week and do my killer-arms routine with dumb bells. And I tanned myself as to look more healthy and skinner in that dress (total visual illusion gimmick). And it actually worked pretty well i must say. I was happy that I SEEMED to lose a couple pounds and the dress fit.

So before the big event I was debating whether I should purchase a few more things to go with it, namely: nude underwears because it's slightly see-through (trust me black panties will not work), a clutch (because I am such a big purse kind of girl and my humongous bags just cannot go with this lady dress), necklace (because I never wear accessories, therefore never own any that can go with this dress), and a mani/pedicure. In the end, I only spent a total of $25 on the absolutely necessary mani/pedi. The rest, I just went without or borrowed something from my sister. But i have to say, the 25 bucks were well-spent. I mean, last time I got it was like last year at this time. But I can always understand the affluent styles of some housewives because it really felt like a great trip of relaxation for your digits. I mean, i never take good care of my fingernails. I get in the bad habit of picking them and they break easily because I play with them so much, and my toe nails? I clip them when I remember. ;) yeah pretty nasty i know. But good Heavens! Yesterday I randomly found this cheap place that does spa mani/pedi for 25 and do they know how to take care of your hands. they removed all my cuticles and deadskins and i felt transformed! (although i think the lady must secretly blame my bad hygiene for the amount of hardwork she had to put into an amazon like me).

So yes, $25! for the dance where I didn't meet anyone special. Almost all the guys who went were dates/bf's of someone. I officially released all my inhibition and danced with my gf's like no one's business, while thanking my good judgement that I should keep my spending/pampering to a minimum because it's not likely for anything to happen really. If i had wasted too much money i'd only feel like an idiot.

So yes, I ate A LOT and danced A LOT in the room which felt like a freezer, so much that i was feeling kinda sick this morning. I may not have met any one, but i am definitely enjoying the nails which will last probably longer than many relationships nowadays. ;)

2008年4月18日 星期五

cracks me up

Charlie bit me

a reprise by some college kids

2008年4月16日 星期三

a typical conversation

aRieL0607 (12:29:16 AM): it's scary but i've actually noticed that
dreamerscreek (12:29:16 AM): hehehe
aRieL0607 (12:29:23 AM): i'm beginning to like the 30 somethings too
dreamerscreek (12:29:27 AM): yea
aRieL0607 (12:29:31 AM): i noticed a couple times at work
dreamerscreek (12:29:33 AM): i've accepted the fact thati'm old
aRieL0607 (12:29:36 AM): and i'd see these attractive men
aRieL0607 (12:29:44 AM): but they are marriend and picking up prescipriton for their kids
aRieL0607 (12:29:47 AM): but really hot dads
dreamerscreek (12:29:48 AM): LOL
dreamerscreek (12:29:50 AM): ohhh dang..
dreamerscreek (12:29:53 AM): well, some dads are hot
aRieL0607 (12:29:56 AM): LOL
dreamerscreek (12:29:56 AM): you think...what a pity..
dreamerscreek (12:29:58 AM): lol
aRieL0607 (12:30:00 AM): DILF
dreamerscreek (12:30:03 AM): HAHHA
dreamerscreek (12:30:06 AM): sooooooooooo wrong!!!
dreamerscreek (12:30:08 AM): hahaha
aRieL0607 (12:30:15 AM): is it? ;-)
dreamerscreek (12:30:15 AM): i DARE you =P
aRieL0607 (12:30:25 AM): i can personally deliver their presciription
dreamerscreek (12:30:25 AM): but you would get emotionally attached so no
dreamerscreek (12:30:28 AM): probably not healthy
dreamerscreek (12:30:29 AM): LOL
aRieL0607 (12:30:30 AM): when their wives are not home
dreamerscreek (12:30:36 AM): ohhh
dreamerscreek (12:30:41 AM): door to door pharm service
dreamerscreek (12:30:42 AM): hahahaha
aRieL0607 (12:30:47 AM): i know..;-)
dreamerscreek (12:30:49 AM): how inappropriate!!
dreamerscreek (12:30:54 AM): w/their sick kids in the next room
dreamerscreek (12:30:55 AM): hahaha
aRieL0607 (12:30:56 AM): if i wear a school girl's uniform
aRieL0607 (12:30:59 AM): i'll ge ta lot of business

2008年4月15日 星期二

keep breathing

there are times in your life, when you have to remind yourself to keep breathing, and i'm definitely experiencing those moments, big time, today.

i finally made my way into the pharmacy, and quit (for reasons i included in a private post, and will remain private). and my manager being the b***ch she is, had to put in her last words to stab at me. but i kept breathing, and walked out of the store alive. I did need to say a prayer before i leave my car to go in so i can have strength in all things happened lately, but i left the store in one piece, and hopefully in many years, i will just look at this as one of the things that happened, that's it.

sitting in the parking lot, feeling completely horrible and relieved at the same time, i dialed and arranged to meet up with a friend for dinner. we had a very good dinner, finally someone to share these sentiments with. but still can't help feeling very lost at the end of the evening. what's in the future for me.

came home, checked e-mail and found 4 rejection letters from jobs i applied to. and mind it, these are jobs which i applied online only 2 days ago. can't wait to give me the boot, i guess. and the messages contained the same words, apparently s/he cut and pasted.

turned on tv, and watched what single women watch on a single monday night after a midterm, the latest episode of The Bachelor. It was so horrible this season that i had to change the channel. this british bachelor just doesn't do it for me. and the women, *barf*.

i look at my planner and realize how many things are waiting to be finished. am i even up for the dance this coming weekend? can't help but feel drained.

2008年4月9日 星期三

nothing in particular

my sister just made me clean out some old stuff, and i came across these overhead slides i made in 2005 for a speech class i was taking. I was taking it because i needed it as a prerequisit for pharm school. But it was actually a very interesting experience (and i never would have thought i would ever say this in hindsight. how time flies).

The speech was on the issue of Medical Marijuana, and interestingly enough, i was looking at the speakers outline for myself, and i really liked the ideas i had. I modeled my speech after the guideline he gave us, and i really think it's impeccable from many aspects. i mean, people better go out there and vote for MM after listening to my speech. it was such a blast to make too. Another speech i made in class was to teach people the chemistry behind love (which i still remember all the hormones associated, and constantly refer to. ;) there's the initial sexual attraction, the changing phase, and the attachment phase, if i still remember it right. i remember people would come up to me and say "is that right?" something about oxytocin being secreted so you feel the attachment to each other, much like the oxytocin secreted when a mother breastfeeds. interesting stuff.

So i was thinking, without any particular instruction, i voluntarily did both speeches on science/health related stuff. and i really enjoyed the experience. So there WAS a time when this all was enjoyable to me and not such a darn labor. when did i stop liking all THIS? i can't even remember. there was a time when i sit in lecture, and i would nod my head in agreement or amazement at some scientific stuff the professor said. physics was a lot of fun, chemistry was too. none of this seemed very hard..and i really like how they explain the world around me perfectly. But right now, it's more like, if you don't remember this in 3 days in time for the exam or case conference, your ass gets whacked.

i miss those days when i learn just because i want to KNOW, not because of how much money i can make with THIS i'm learning when i graduate. I guess you can say, my interest is learning. my hobby is learning. things i've never done before. i just dont want to be MADE to learn something. So when i took French and Microbio and anatomy at the same time i never thought it was a chore. and piano during middle school when i had to battle with the high school entrance exam.

it definitely is the hardest when you have to learn not to dislike. but i'm getting there.

day at the clinic

this is prolly my 3rd time visiting the student health this week. After two nights of barely sleeping, I've decided to finally have my cough checked out. Well, the doctor was nice enough. Although when I first got the appointment i was expecting a caucasian male (because of the last name of the doctor). but she turned out to be an asian lady who's really petit and wears boots. :O
She seemed nice and we were talking like friends (odd), i wonder if it's because she found out i'm a student at the school here. Well, at least she didn't give me that weird face like the other doctor did. I have to say that most of the time when i say pharmacy i get this rather disapproving look, which i'm still trying to figure out what that means. But surprisingly this doctor seem very supportive. So i'm guessing that's probably what it's like out there when i start working in a hospital (if ever, one day). out of every 10 doctors there will be 2 that actually listen to what i'm saying. there's definitely more about the heirarchy thing in healthcare, but i digress.

so according to her, I am actually developing this mild asthma associated with viral-infected colds (or upper respiratory infection). she put me on the albuterol inhaler, which is to be used in emergency situations or cough attacks (which i get every now and then, esp at night), and this inhaled corticosteroid which helps with the nasal allergy symptoms, as well as the promethazine with codeine syrup that helps me sleep at night. i'm really hoping i can finally get a restful sleep. but more importantly, i really want the symptoms to go away so i dont have to live with this terrible thing forever. seriously, i would rather not have asthma. it's just too inconvenient in all situations.

2008年4月2日 星期三

parade of mishaps

1. millions and millions of apps sent out to pharma companies since january, and i'm sad to report that, NONE has gotten back to me.

2. applied and interviewed for 2 retail pharmacy internship and, never received the personality assessment that's supposed to come, called AND e-mailed the recruiter, no response. never got a scheduled interview within 48 hrs of submitting my application from the 2nd pharmacy i applied for.

3. the IPSF internship which i was accepted by, posted my profile online for countries to claim me. and never happened. and my summer is starting in may, and it's already 4/2.

4. still can't get along with/stand people from school. especially with the organization i am on board for. people are SO cliquey with their fucking frats. enjoy the school it's yours.

5. flunking out of class.

6. my boss hates me, and this fat ass technician too. love to give me a hard time, but quite flirty with the male interns. and this is the reason why i am applying for internships in the first place so i can LEAVE. when nothing happens its a good day. and usually someone ends up yelling at me. and i'm detached about it because i expect it to happen.

7. have not dated for 7 friggin years and have obsessive and unrealistic thoughts/realizaations about men who i met only once or never knew before.

This is why i'm going psychotic.