2007年11月21日 星期三


I made it to Thanksgiving!!! Thankgod! I definitely feel more thankful this year than ever. So many things to be thankful for. I remember at the beginning of August, DREADING the beginning the school because it would be like first f'n year all over again. That and the f'n IV rotation which required me to spend 5 hrs in the morning in the IV room making IV bags ON MY FEET and waking up at 530am and still remembered not to poked myself with the needle. I SURVIVED IT! I can proudly announce that i've put that behind me. The class offically ended last week with a presentation at 7am and a final the following day at 630am. I survived the cruel, cold-blooded professor and people in my rotation who seemed to be slave-drivers. I managed to survive the rotatin without hurting them (or be hurt). :) I still can't believe it. i'm overjoyed! >< whoopie doo! I used to count down to the weeks i have left of IV, and how many days each week i needed to be in. And the number of exams which coincided with my rotation (I think there were six, including 2 finals). And I'm still here with my full head of hair.

So, i let out a victorious scream when class ended early today. I made it to THANKSGIVING!! What can be sweeter than this? I actually made it to thanksgiving and the dinner table! So what are some of the things i am REALLY thankful for:

1) gotta be my parents, always. They keep me in school, although i keep having freak out episodes and clam that i'm going to drop out any day now after a bad exam or a bad run-in with a classmate. They always lend a ear and help me put things in perspective. I am so thankful for them.

2) my new friends this year from my class: B, S, V. without V I would definitely be a really, really unhappy person during IV. She's always so positive and hilarious and so sweet. She's a couple years younger but i've always enjoyed talking to her. She's a real sweetheart, and pretty too. God really gives her a lot of love. ;) j/k. And B and S, I am so thankful that i met them and got to know them better this year. They are some of the nicest people i can find in my class. We are all single and all like to have fun so i now finally have people to go to mixers with! ;) We've hit up a couple major events this year and managed to have super fun memories. It's great that we also love to try out new places in town, i have to say they make LA a much more fun city to live in being a single gal. I really can't express how much these people made my life easier this year in school.

3) Tamaki Hiroshi and Nodame Cantabile: If i never watched that drama i would have never been reminded of the good old days when I used to love and play music. Yes Long Vacation was a good drama too but it wasn't so much about classical music and the comeraderie spirits. I was so inspired by the drama that I decided to pick up piano again. And since then i never looked back. I was really in love with tamaki hiroshi because he was so cute in it. and knowing that he and the girl had that connection of music which brought them together in the end was so, romantic. It made me want to believe in something that real, and concentrate on what I love too. I can't expect people to like me being so negative and souless all the time. I have to do something that makes me happy and a lovable person. I have to say cousin J facilitated the process in a way too. I think one of the things that really shook me was that, when I was in a "New castle" with her, she got on that piano and started playing, the whole place filled with music in the air, one of the best moments during the trip.

4) My old buddies R, E: R has definitely been there for me every step of the way. I have changed so much since college, both inside and out. I have had periods of depression, and elevation, and just a bunch of unpredictable mood swings, but she was there along the way. We'd always meet up and discuss our lives and i always feel rejuvenated after talking to her. I am so glad that i have someone who knows the real me and that i'm really not a psycho. I just get hurt, and get angry, and get sad like everyone else. The same goes for E. She's been the nicest sweetheart along the way. She's been with me through the breakup, my sad sad single days in college. She's been my make up tutor, my fashion stylist (i dressed like crap), and career counselor. I dont know where I would be w/o her. She's so resourceful about school activities and always try to get me involved. and she's so artistic and crafty. I dont think she's my second mom at all, she's just a really, really close friend. I am so happy that i've met her. They both make my pharm school journey that much better too.

5)My old, old friends B,V: Always there to listen to me and give me advice, have known me forever thru my ups and downs and shitty days in hs. and i always feel so comfortable sharing things with them. we go WAYYYYY back. This needs no introduction. ;)

6) Music: I am so happy that i discovered kusc which is the only classical music station left in so Cal. the other one which i used to listen to went belly-up and turned into some horrible country music station. So i've decided to pledge kusc this year and became a member. it's only a small portion of my income but it keeps the music alive! And I'm thankful for all the local concerts we have around here. the convienience of walt disney concert hall and that LA Phil gave me the best performance of Beethoven's 7th ever!

7)Local events: thank you for keeping my days in LA lively. I truely enjoyed the festivities like Halloween and film festivals. they give me somethign to look forward to during my long, endless weeks.

8) my summer. this past year. i cherish the good memories, although at times they are sort of hard to recall. :P

9) did I leave anything out?
