2007年11月15日 星期四

friggin brainfried...

am trying to post a nice sensible post about my week in a nutshell. however am currently stuck with a crapload of material for tomorrow's final at 630am (whoever suggested this time was truely heartless and brutal). I have been unable to focus because frankly after nearly 5 weeks of sleep deprivation and continuous exams i can no longer convince myself this shit is interesting. It is when you learn one thing at a time and not 5 classes all talking about the same exact thing.

so i found this website about these people ranting about their lives as spinsters. One of the girls/women started blogging when she was 25! and now she's 27 and still writes fabulously and poignantly about singe life in america and how you're treated like 2nd class citizens. it is very entertaining, so much that i sort of got side tracked and read more posts on her blog than my own notes. I was reading about her description of being closer than ever the only single person amongst the friends she knew and it couldn't have been more true in my case. I am now in a class with women who are married or have kids or steady bf's. The rest of the eligible and not so disgusting guys were immediately snatched up by single available girls in our class making them less available. In other words, even if i want to take advantage of remaining years being a 20 something year old i am having difficulty finding people to go to mixers with. I wouldn't want to piss off my friends' significant others for sure. what is a single girl to do in a world of happy coupledoms? and my previous encounters with guys lately have turned into nothing but disasters.

It is somehow funny that while browsing through these blogs i am finding so many similarities between my life and those of the bloggers. apparently we all now enjoy going out for a drink/cocktail at a bar/lounge with our gf's or taking a trip/vacation/watching a movie with them the cosmo style. and we walk away from nasty boys who come up and grab you. whatever happened to the gentlemen in this world?

probably all married, i'm guessing.

back to my list of IV drugs and their adverse reactions.
