2007年11月10日 星期六

Recap for last night

Yesterday was truely truely like a rollercoaster ride. i opened my eyes and FREAKED OUT...it was 645am which was the time i was supposed to be in the iv room already! I took only enough time to brush my teeth and stormed out the house..called them on the way and the preceptor said ok. she was nice enough to not make me come back in and extend my iv rotation indefinitely. but still my blood pressure must have elevated 20mmHG for sure....:-/

So at the end of the day, my friends and I decided to go out to celebrate a little. We knew about this event held by the graduate student association that was held at The Parlor in Santa Monica. So we decided to stop by before hitting a wine bar in Pasadena. so we all dolled up, and when we rolled in it was a SPORTS BAR. many people were in trainers and people are just lounging back watching football on these plasma screens. this horribly weird guy came up to us first apologized for being late d/t the bad traffic. we were wondeirng who among us knew the guy and no one did. so he blabered on and wouldn't shut up with his lame lines we decided to leave the table and went elsewhere. it was very uncivil but we had to do it. for him and for us.

then to accomplish my goal of at least speaking to 3 guys i picked someone and asked what was going on..because apparently no one really knew about the USC event and that pharm school was even invited. he was nice enough and showed us the person to talk to and gave us name tags. so 3 down, i was good for the rest of the night.

Ordered some chicken quesadilla, and some more guys made small talks to us but nothing lasted. we were just having some girl time. and then these peopel sat next to us. the guys started talking to us and since i wasn't attracted to them, i had no problem carrying on the conversation. So it turned out that they were dental students. first years. really loving it. and pretty Persian. (nothing against persian really, i think the girls are hot). and this guy started inquiring about our ethnicity, because like so many other lame ass guys, they apparently think it's a good converstaion starter, even if you guessed it WRONG. Well, in those cases, it's only amusing for the inquirer and not so much for the inquiree. started commenting on my friend who's philipino, said that he was going on a date with a flip girl on saturday too, and his previous 2 gfs were both flip. (TMI: why the heck do we need to know that?) and then something about the flip aboriginal people used to wear next to nothing, must have been a pretty sight to see for the spanish settlers after 4 months on the sea. WHAT THE HELL?! so i had to correct him that i'm sure people wore some kind of clohting. even back then no one would prance around naked unless you're some pre historic homo sapiens. and he thought i was mocking him (I WAS), and tried to explained some more. so i had to reinstate my believe, if you travel on the sea for 3 or 4 months you'd see ANYONE NAKED when you get off the ship. i'm sure we really "bound" through that heated discussion over nothing intellectual. how i love debates.
he then proceeded to say we should hit up the dental parties..and ate a piece of my quesadilla (cold by then). my friends and I just decided to bounce and that was when some cute guys started to talk to us on the streets. but their friggin friend in the car made them leave so i was majorly disappointed.

The Bodega Wine Bar was a nice little thing in Paseo Colorado. I liekd how there were a plethora of chairs/sofas for us to lounge on. we tried some merlot named Calbec and this chardonnay named Verdejo. didn't like either of them that much but the service was good. left when dizziness started to kick in.

overall, a very fun and eventful night. But no ma, still haven't found the holiday bf to spend the holidays with. afraid it's going to be another lonely countdown to 2008.
