2007年11月26日 星期一

Enchanted trailer


such a cute movie. :) and it's funny too. i <3 Disney!!

2007年11月21日 星期三


I made it to Thanksgiving!!! Thankgod! I definitely feel more thankful this year than ever. So many things to be thankful for. I remember at the beginning of August, DREADING the beginning the school because it would be like first f'n year all over again. That and the f'n IV rotation which required me to spend 5 hrs in the morning in the IV room making IV bags ON MY FEET and waking up at 530am and still remembered not to poked myself with the needle. I SURVIVED IT! I can proudly announce that i've put that behind me. The class offically ended last week with a presentation at 7am and a final the following day at 630am. I survived the cruel, cold-blooded professor and people in my rotation who seemed to be slave-drivers. I managed to survive the rotatin without hurting them (or be hurt). :) I still can't believe it. i'm overjoyed! >< whoopie doo! I used to count down to the weeks i have left of IV, and how many days each week i needed to be in. And the number of exams which coincided with my rotation (I think there were six, including 2 finals). And I'm still here with my full head of hair.

So, i let out a victorious scream when class ended early today. I made it to THANKSGIVING!! What can be sweeter than this? I actually made it to thanksgiving and the dinner table! So what are some of the things i am REALLY thankful for:

1) gotta be my parents, always. They keep me in school, although i keep having freak out episodes and clam that i'm going to drop out any day now after a bad exam or a bad run-in with a classmate. They always lend a ear and help me put things in perspective. I am so thankful for them.

2) my new friends this year from my class: B, S, V. without V I would definitely be a really, really unhappy person during IV. She's always so positive and hilarious and so sweet. She's a couple years younger but i've always enjoyed talking to her. She's a real sweetheart, and pretty too. God really gives her a lot of love. ;) j/k. And B and S, I am so thankful that i met them and got to know them better this year. They are some of the nicest people i can find in my class. We are all single and all like to have fun so i now finally have people to go to mixers with! ;) We've hit up a couple major events this year and managed to have super fun memories. It's great that we also love to try out new places in town, i have to say they make LA a much more fun city to live in being a single gal. I really can't express how much these people made my life easier this year in school.

3) Tamaki Hiroshi and Nodame Cantabile: If i never watched that drama i would have never been reminded of the good old days when I used to love and play music. Yes Long Vacation was a good drama too but it wasn't so much about classical music and the comeraderie spirits. I was so inspired by the drama that I decided to pick up piano again. And since then i never looked back. I was really in love with tamaki hiroshi because he was so cute in it. and knowing that he and the girl had that connection of music which brought them together in the end was so, romantic. It made me want to believe in something that real, and concentrate on what I love too. I can't expect people to like me being so negative and souless all the time. I have to do something that makes me happy and a lovable person. I have to say cousin J facilitated the process in a way too. I think one of the things that really shook me was that, when I was in a "New castle" with her, she got on that piano and started playing, the whole place filled with music in the air, one of the best moments during the trip.

4) My old buddies R, E: R has definitely been there for me every step of the way. I have changed so much since college, both inside and out. I have had periods of depression, and elevation, and just a bunch of unpredictable mood swings, but she was there along the way. We'd always meet up and discuss our lives and i always feel rejuvenated after talking to her. I am so glad that i have someone who knows the real me and that i'm really not a psycho. I just get hurt, and get angry, and get sad like everyone else. The same goes for E. She's been the nicest sweetheart along the way. She's been with me through the breakup, my sad sad single days in college. She's been my make up tutor, my fashion stylist (i dressed like crap), and career counselor. I dont know where I would be w/o her. She's so resourceful about school activities and always try to get me involved. and she's so artistic and crafty. I dont think she's my second mom at all, she's just a really, really close friend. I am so happy that i've met her. They both make my pharm school journey that much better too.

5)My old, old friends B,V: Always there to listen to me and give me advice, have known me forever thru my ups and downs and shitty days in hs. and i always feel so comfortable sharing things with them. we go WAYYYYY back. This needs no introduction. ;)

6) Music: I am so happy that i discovered kusc which is the only classical music station left in so Cal. the other one which i used to listen to went belly-up and turned into some horrible country music station. So i've decided to pledge kusc this year and became a member. it's only a small portion of my income but it keeps the music alive! And I'm thankful for all the local concerts we have around here. the convienience of walt disney concert hall and that LA Phil gave me the best performance of Beethoven's 7th ever!

7)Local events: thank you for keeping my days in LA lively. I truely enjoyed the festivities like Halloween and film festivals. they give me somethign to look forward to during my long, endless weeks.

8) my summer. this past year. i cherish the good memories, although at times they are sort of hard to recall. :P

9) did I leave anything out?

2007年11月20日 星期二


can't wait

The shitty driver who almost took my life today

I just got off the phone with my parents, but i still can't believe what ALMOST happened to me today. after 4 hours of standing at work i was finally able to get out and rush to school. ON my way there, i was driving on the very left lane, speeding up because there were no cars in front of me, while all of a sudden, this shitty ganster car on the right lane swerved in front of me which forced me to swerve to the left where the central divider was! I swear i only had a split second to decide where i should hit him or the divider. my car made a huge nose as i tried to brake and gain control of the steering wheel. it made a loud screeching sound. The the asshole finally realized it and swerved back. he fucking almost took my life! it would be so unworthy to lose my leg over a piece of s**t like him who drives a HOnda that's falling a part and probably no insurance. yes i'm talking to you all shitty irresponsible LA drivers out there between 18-45 who drive either a low car or a pick up. why dont you shoot yourself before taking someone elses life after being inebriated at 10 in the morning?

This is an angry post by the way. as if you can't already tell.

2007年11月17日 星期六

Restaurant Reviews

Recently I'm finding myself liking the posh resto/bar scenes more. I'm guessing it's a combination of things: stress, finding the right crowd to hang out with, wanting to blow off steam, liking the taste of wine, liking the cosmopolitan feeling of it all, wanting to be more proactive with my love life (or lack thereof).....at least when i look back in the fu

Anyway, here are a few reviews of some places i recently visited and am liking a lot:

Red White and Bluezz:
What this is is a restaurant with live music (usually jazz). I met up with 2 friends and we decided to go for a girls' night out. got there around 7pm on a friday night and thought we could wait for a table. nope, everything was completely booked up! we were told to go to the other entrance of the restaurant where there were another dining area with the live band in there to try our luck. initially we were almost disappointed again, but the super nice manager managed to move a few tables and squeezed us in! in a completely book room, on a completely busy day, and our seats were right next to the platform! I couldn't believe our good luck. our waitress was very attentive and recommended very good things like the wine flights (a couple of wines for you to do a little wine-tasting), cheese flights (we had Gouda, Brie, and Goat cheese), saffron prawns (delicieux), some really good rib eye, duck breast, and a dessert sampler and some Rose wine. at the end of the night the bill burned a hole in my pocket but it was SO WORTH IT! Loved the music too, sometimes a little raggae, sometimes a little jazz, sometimes a little 80's, but overall a very good vibe and very interactive with the crowd. i give it 4 stars!

It happened on a monday night when me and 2 other girlfriends from school decided to try out new places in town. my friend had read about some review about the restaurant's monday special. Apparently they were offering a 3 course meal for a mere $35! Usually each platter costs about that much so it's a deal to die for. The restaurant is located in Santa Monica, very nice ambience and homey. We got our seats on the upper level overlooking the restaurant. the 3 courses we had were: crab cake, grilled yellowtail over spinach and rice, and pecan pie with coffee ice cream on it and some coffeebeans dipped in molass. We ordered some wine as well to complete the experience. Overall i liked everything we had. the crabcake was filling, and the pecan pie was fresh and warm. the yellowtail was good, but it's made too much like asian style so not exactly an invention (for me anyway). I'd give it 3.5 stars. :) How i love dressing up for a night out!

The Parlor (in santa monica)
This is an upscale sports bar located on Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica. We went there for a grad school association mixer, which turned out to be a totally weird experience. apparently when we arrived no one really knew about the usc event, everyone including the bouncer and the waitress thought there was some ucla thing goig on in there. We went upstairs to sit for a while and had some really lame guy come over to try to talk to us ("sorry i was late, the traffic was real bad." and we had no clue who he was). then we went downstairs to mingle and finally found ppl who knew what was going on and gave us a ticket. then as the night went on we proceeded to talk to some really weird dental students. (see my previous post for exact happenings). The bar was very nice completed with several large plasma screens showing football, as well as LOTS of seats and tables. the bartenders were nice and friendly, so were the waitresses. some people looked like they came right after work. overall, a very casual scene (which i was totally overdressed for). recommend it if you like sports bars. the quesadilla was very yummmy.

Bodega Wine Bar
This is the place we hit right after The Parlor on a thursday night. there's some really nice chairs and couches for you to lounge on. we ordered a bottle of red and white, and i ddin't really like my wine choices that night. But it's $30 a bottle, and a 750ml one too (i think). we had to cork it to go. didn't stay very long but a nice place to hang out with friends to just talk. ;)

Creme de la crepe
This is in Hermosa Beach. We got there around 12 and there was a line waiting outside. the diner's quite small so there's not too many tables in there. But the food was good, prolly one of the best crepe places i've had in the US. i ordered a french toast which was actually baguette dipped in egg and pan fried, not like your normal french toast. and i shared a Crepe Ziane with my sister which was really good too. the crepe skin was thin and crispy and it was filled with fruits and a scoop of ice cream. c'estait tres incroyable. :) we then ended up walking up and down Hermosa. it was a cold day but nevertheless filled with a lot of good window shopping.

2007年11月15日 星期四

friggin brainfried...

am trying to post a nice sensible post about my week in a nutshell. however am currently stuck with a crapload of material for tomorrow's final at 630am (whoever suggested this time was truely heartless and brutal). I have been unable to focus because frankly after nearly 5 weeks of sleep deprivation and continuous exams i can no longer convince myself this shit is interesting. It is when you learn one thing at a time and not 5 classes all talking about the same exact thing.

so i found this website about these people ranting about their lives as spinsters. One of the girls/women started blogging when she was 25! and now she's 27 and still writes fabulously and poignantly about singe life in america and how you're treated like 2nd class citizens. it is very entertaining, so much that i sort of got side tracked and read more posts on her blog than my own notes. I was reading about her description of being closer than ever the only single person amongst the friends she knew and it couldn't have been more true in my case. I am now in a class with women who are married or have kids or steady bf's. The rest of the eligible and not so disgusting guys were immediately snatched up by single available girls in our class making them less available. In other words, even if i want to take advantage of remaining years being a 20 something year old i am having difficulty finding people to go to mixers with. I wouldn't want to piss off my friends' significant others for sure. what is a single girl to do in a world of happy coupledoms? and my previous encounters with guys lately have turned into nothing but disasters.

It is somehow funny that while browsing through these blogs i am finding so many similarities between my life and those of the bloggers. apparently we all now enjoy going out for a drink/cocktail at a bar/lounge with our gf's or taking a trip/vacation/watching a movie with them the cosmo style. and we walk away from nasty boys who come up and grab you. whatever happened to the gentlemen in this world?

probably all married, i'm guessing.

back to my list of IV drugs and their adverse reactions.

2007年11月10日 星期六

Recap for last night

Yesterday was truely truely like a rollercoaster ride. i opened my eyes and FREAKED OUT...it was 645am which was the time i was supposed to be in the iv room already! I took only enough time to brush my teeth and stormed out the house..called them on the way and the preceptor said ok. she was nice enough to not make me come back in and extend my iv rotation indefinitely. but still my blood pressure must have elevated 20mmHG for sure....:-/

So at the end of the day, my friends and I decided to go out to celebrate a little. We knew about this event held by the graduate student association that was held at The Parlor in Santa Monica. So we decided to stop by before hitting a wine bar in Pasadena. so we all dolled up, and when we rolled in it was a SPORTS BAR. many people were in trainers and people are just lounging back watching football on these plasma screens. this horribly weird guy came up to us first apologized for being late d/t the bad traffic. we were wondeirng who among us knew the guy and no one did. so he blabered on and wouldn't shut up with his lame lines we decided to leave the table and went elsewhere. it was very uncivil but we had to do it. for him and for us.

then to accomplish my goal of at least speaking to 3 guys i picked someone and asked what was going on..because apparently no one really knew about the USC event and that pharm school was even invited. he was nice enough and showed us the person to talk to and gave us name tags. so 3 down, i was good for the rest of the night.

Ordered some chicken quesadilla, and some more guys made small talks to us but nothing lasted. we were just having some girl time. and then these peopel sat next to us. the guys started talking to us and since i wasn't attracted to them, i had no problem carrying on the conversation. So it turned out that they were dental students. first years. really loving it. and pretty Persian. (nothing against persian really, i think the girls are hot). and this guy started inquiring about our ethnicity, because like so many other lame ass guys, they apparently think it's a good converstaion starter, even if you guessed it WRONG. Well, in those cases, it's only amusing for the inquirer and not so much for the inquiree. started commenting on my friend who's philipino, said that he was going on a date with a flip girl on saturday too, and his previous 2 gfs were both flip. (TMI: why the heck do we need to know that?) and then something about the flip aboriginal people used to wear next to nothing, must have been a pretty sight to see for the spanish settlers after 4 months on the sea. WHAT THE HELL?! so i had to correct him that i'm sure people wore some kind of clohting. even back then no one would prance around naked unless you're some pre historic homo sapiens. and he thought i was mocking him (I WAS), and tried to explained some more. so i had to reinstate my believe, if you travel on the sea for 3 or 4 months you'd see ANYONE NAKED when you get off the ship. i'm sure we really "bound" through that heated discussion over nothing intellectual. how i love debates.
he then proceeded to say we should hit up the dental parties..and ate a piece of my quesadilla (cold by then). my friends and I just decided to bounce and that was when some cute guys started to talk to us on the streets. but their friggin friend in the car made them leave so i was majorly disappointed.

The Bodega Wine Bar was a nice little thing in Paseo Colorado. I liekd how there were a plethora of chairs/sofas for us to lounge on. we tried some merlot named Calbec and this chardonnay named Verdejo. didn't like either of them that much but the service was good. left when dizziness started to kick in.

overall, a very fun and eventful night. But no ma, still haven't found the holiday bf to spend the holidays with. afraid it's going to be another lonely countdown to 2008.

love Gershwin plays Gershwin

I can't express how happy i am with the classical music station i pledged to support. Commercial-free, good music, all the time. makes my morning commute THAT much better and fewer road rage episodes.....

today was another pleasant surprise when i heard this:
Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue

just beautiful..and you're at your destination before you realize it. what will i do w/o music in my life?

2007年11月5日 星期一

don't know why

don't know why but i'm really diggin this song ;)

by the way this is Local H's Bound for the Floor

2007年11月3日 星期六

not very good at it

a sudden feeling of incompetency.

yesterday I got a phone call from my parents about my grandma (the only grandparent i have left) had had a minor stroke. She is concious alright, but has lost sensations in the right side of her body, also she has difficulty speaking clearly. something to do with her cranial nerve, i suppose. it sort of put me in a depressed mood. i can't help but feel like my worse nightmare is coming true, slowly but persistently. I have always feared family death, ever since I started losing my first grandparent. I suppose that was the first sign of growing up, realizing that people DO and WILL die around you. And that you're getting older, and there's nothing you can do about it (the learned helplessness, as they would say in psychological terms). It makes me extremely fearful, not because of the death itself, but getting old. I'm only scared of death of family members or those who i care for, knowing that i'm HERE, and they are THERE. and there's nothing i can't do about it. I can't physically be there by dropping everything that's in my life right now...but seeing how they physically deteriorate is very heartbreaking. I can't do anything about it. I keep having the feeling that eventually one day everyone including my parents will leave, and then i'll be truely alone.
It's tempting to think that when someone you love dies, your whole life turns around, nothing is the same anymore and you'll forever mourn. But as I learned over the years you do go on with your life, that person just becomes a small part of your memory. You dont think about him/her too much on a daily basis. you're only REMINDED of them on certain occasions. So that makes me think that it would be the same for me, when i leave one day, the world goes around liek usual. people still get up in the morning and buy their 6am coffee and go to work, and i will be 'deceased' as if never existed. so what really is left of me?

Recently have been having the feeling that i'm not very good at my job, as a student, as a pharmacist, or a scientist (if i can call myself that at all). I am starting to learn more about this field and understand more about it. But i'm having difficulty retaining the memory i learned in class. I dont know if i'm not very good at it because i dont breathe this material, i dont live in it and most of the time dont take interest in it (although i AM improving). But i am not the best i can be.

and i think about it, i dont know if anyone can be with someone who is so angry and sad all the times. I hate to be made to do things, and i'm angry at people who are mean but they are all around. i'm self concious, and i have mood swings.