2007年10月29日 星期一


tomorrow i'm going in for my last follow-up with my doctor regarding the abscess on my leg. it's shruken in size tremendously and i'm happy to say that it's no longer a danger to my leg...now it's just healing and challenge me to scratch it. but no i will not give in! so tomorrow is quite possibly (actually i'm 100% sure) that it will be the last time seeing the cute doc. It's embarrassing but after that incident last time I actually have been thinking quite a lot the possibility of dating one's own doctor, and therefore did some research on that. The conclusion is no matter what you do or how you defend it, it's UNETHICAL and WRONG.
According to sources, their license can be suspended for having an affair with a patient, or make comments regarding the patient's appearence, and they cannot terminate their service in anticipation of going out with the patient, and there has to be a 2 year gap before he can legally ask you out again, IF there is no chance of future professional service. So all in all, it is INCREDIBLY hard for you to date your doctor, even if you're both interested (and i doubt he shares the sentiment). And considering how if things don't work out, or i'm rejected, i will one day need to return to the Student Health again, which makes it a even less desirable choice to do so (ask him out). my friends encouraged me to just ask him out to coffee...but i KNOW that i will mostly be turned down on the basis of professional relationship.
which is interesting because, when i was younger i never even thought about things like this. To me people who provide service to me are just people and nothing more. So there can only be 2 possibilities: 1. i've been single for too long and therefore am experiencing 'spring fever'; or 2. i'm more grown up now and am just simply more aware of people of the opposite sex since we are closer in age now. I would like to think it's option number 2 because it looks like everywhere i go i'm serviced by people close to my age, therefore i no longer look at them as big brothers or old, middle aged men rather people who i might have a potential with. (another classic example, the ticket guy in Zurich). As absurd as it sounds i can't believe i actually spent a great deal of my time thinking about these run-ins and what might come out of it (while in reality, i do nothing, and he's not interested, end of story).

Back to the topic, so tomorrow is my last apointment with him. I'm pretty sure it'll be a 30 second follow up because it's basically healed almost completely and there's no need for return visits. and they are usually extremely busy. i am sort of looking at it as this anti-climatic ending to my little one week crush. I guess i can look at it from the positive side that at least it gives me something to occupy my otherwise work/school-filled, boring life. I'm just sad that it ends tomorrow and it's back to reality of 2 midterms and one final and countless days in the hospital at 630 in the morning.

on top of that, i was assigned to a presentation group with this only cute guy in class who im not friends with. He's been pretty weird and retty nice. but he belongs to a totally different world (because he's involved, and seem to be liked by everyone, and younger) while i on the other hand is bitter, sarcastic, despise people can't wait to roll out of class every afternoon, and OLDER. He's definitely been an eye candy for the past one month when we had to work together, but that's coming to an end as well. We aren't even acquaintances yet because we never have anything really to say to each other. i think we both think each other is weird, and as i've argued with K, we just didn't know what to say.

So basically, two of my harmless crushes are coming to an end possibly this or next week, and in a sick way i'm sort of looking forward to it. I think the reality is although i think i am, i'm really not ready to share my life with anther person just yt.
cute pickup line (i didn't come up with this):

Pt: I think I need another doctor.
Doc: Why?
Pt: because i'm attracted to you so i can't keep seeing you. Would you like to grab lunch sometime?

another good thought regarding the whole 'date your doctor' issue:

"if you really like someone, you would not want to take away his livelihood (meaning his license). Change your doctor and stop seeing him. "

A cute vid:
