2009年10月28日 星期三

Halloween Schmalloween

I know i said this many times, no more pissy posts! but today was not a good day so i have to vent a little (and not into my poor aunt's ears...i'm sure she got a earful already from the past 4 weeks...).

Last night was a good night, i went to a concert at House of Blues with a co-worker and saw Colbie Caillat and Howie Day, met some new people, and ate this really yummy burger. it was a good day.

but this morning, I came in and i saw this email from my mom saying that she got sick, so that got me a little worried. And then my little sister texted me to tell me that she hit someone's car, so i had to help take care of that. and my mom was trying to get me to tell her my little sister's facebook account so she can monitor her pictures...

Anyway, so people were asking me left and right about Halloween plans, and i really dont have any! I could go to my sister's friend's friend's house party, but that would require me to dress up. And judging from my experience from the halloween store this afternoon, i would have to look like slutty (insert profession) in order to find something in the store. there was literally nothing below your private parts. Dont get me wrong, i'm not insecure about my body, and i am sure i will regret not showing it more when i get older. but i have no desire to flaunt all my girly bits in front of a roomful of strangers. I might as well go to victoria's Secret and get a "costume" and just wear devil's horns....

and all i really wanted to do was go see Where the Wild Things are. Honestly, i think halloween is a kid's holiday. It's cute when they dress like pumpkins and whatever and trick or treat. But when you're an adult you feel compelled to go somewhere and do somethign and meet some people. and it's kiling the fun for me. knowing that i have to first drive back to LA from Thousand oaks, get a costume for 40 bucks, drive myself to west LA and go to the party, and make small talks..i'm just really sick of it all. I'm sure whatever funk i was in i'm still not completely getting out of it. it may be a mild case of social anxiety. may be just because i am giving myself a ton of pressure so every social event is potentially the social event in which i have to prove myself to land a potential mate.

so yesterday some guy came up to me when i was having my lunch in peace. he looked about 35 or above, not bad looking, but not erally my type primary because of his age ( i dont believe in dating guys who are much older). i didnt reject him brutally, but i also didn't buy into that whole speech with compliments. but i did keep his business card (because i wont give out my number). i'm kinda worried that one of these days when i feel weak i might call this guy up. someone should really take that business card and burn it before i lose my head.
