2008年10月26日 星期日

So many nights....

doesn't this song make you want to dance around? well, it DID make me dance around....;) in the house. Yes, i spend SO MANY NIGHTS in front of my notes studying for exams.....very closely reflects my life as a grad student right now.

However, it was a good weekend that I had. Although there is yet another exam to study for (and another one, another one after that...etc.) i've had some really good fun. Here's a really quick recap:

Friday EARLY morning:
Left the house at 520AM to head to VA West LA (a hospital). I was shadowing the pharmacy resident for a day. So i had to attend two rounds with him and the physicians, which turned out to be an eye-opening experience in many ways. For one, it wasn't as intimidating as i thought it would be. Surprisingly, the method we are taught at school actually closely resembles how they actually debrief about a patient, so i was able to catch on with whatever that's going on. They had 2 interns, one resident, and one case manager for 24 beds. The sad part is, the pharmacist actually doesn't seem to be as involved as i think. Bascially we were just spectators of the doctor's conversations. they didn't really ask for our input on anything. :/ probably the downside of hospital pharmacy, i'm guessing. however, i'd still rank it higher than community if i had to choose. Left the site at 1pm, EXHAUSTED.

Friday night= Halloween night!
Well, it wasn't actually halloween, but we went to Universal Studio for their annual Halloween haunt. It was my first time there, so i didn't know what to expect. It turned out to be a pretty fun experience, not super scary. the theme throughout the part is jason/Texas Chainsaw. So you would see monsters chasing girls around with these almost realistic chainsaws that made loud noises. pretty freaky i guess. Except i'm really not a big fan or western scary movies. So while they tried their hardest to scare me, i didn't even wink. ;) haha, but the tram part was quite fun. We took the famous tram tour down to the studio lot, and at one point they dropped us all off so we could walk through the sets of the famous Batz Motel from Psycho, War of the World set...etc with different monsters chasing us around. Definitely a very entertaining experience. One of the highlights of the night was probably the SIMPSON'S RIDE. it was mind-blowingly fun. They replaced the Back To the Future Ride with this, and although the wait was excruciatingly long, but it WAS SO WORTH IT! although it was a simulator ride, i felt like i was really flying through air with the Simpsons.

Saturday = old roommie get-together at Phoenix. Yum.

Sunday = study day
I traveled out to West LA to study with a close friend. And i started talking about my struggles this year. and i normally feel guilty about whining, so i wasn't planning to do it for long. But she was giving me some very constructive opinions. I understand that everybody has their own worries, so i hate to overwhelm them with mine. But she was actually able to put everything in perspective for me. I need to break the cycle of talking myself down. I gotta realize that if i try harder, i will get there. Maybe other people get it right away, but that doesn't mean i will never achieve my goal, it's just taking me longer and more effort. But i should try to get as close to my goal as possible. I need to look at things as if i can DO IT. and not like it's just another class i may fail. I've already committed my self to this. whether i like it or not, i need to look at it like i MADE THIS CHOICE, and i have to stick with it.

It's going to take a while for my ambitious self to come back, but it will come back. I know it will.

2008年10月20日 星期一

2008年10月19日 星期日

more great music after a good day....:)

This one is not able to be embedded. :(

Black kids- I'm not gonna teach your bf how to dance with you

MGMT - Time to Pretend

So basically, I work up to study with a friend at coffeebeans..then we headed to Coner Bakery for some late lunch...i hate a yummy Breakfast Panini with some seasoned pomme de terre..and got a facial to clear up my face, which was VERY relaxing i actually fell asleep!

Je aime la music d'Indie sur Le Mouv!

2008年10月18日 星期六

kick ass indie music i heard on Le Mouv

awesome song from Camille called "Gospel with no Lord"

The Virgins- Rich Girls

2008年10月13日 星期一

Quelque chose francais que je l'aime.....

So i FINALLY had the chance to watch Amelie (yes THAT Amelie from 10 years ago). We've had the DVD for years and i never saw it, but considering i need as much help as possible with my listening comprehension i finally took it out and played it.

the movie was cute in some ways, and very french in others. I have to say that after a while you can sort of get tired of this "formula' if you call it that, just as one would with the hollywood formula. i suppose I am conditioned to the fast paced of hollywood movies, so that the fact they have a million characters leading different lives and enjoying a million simipler things in life does not help.

It took so excruciatingly long for Amelie to finally be with the one she loves, at first, i was on the edge of my chair. 'just tell him! just get it over with already' i thought, or " yeah like you're going to fall in love with a complete stranger like that". but then at the end of the movie, i actually feel like i can see my own reflection in it or the way she deals with love. I too fall too easily for people I hardly know and cling on that for the longest time, without even knowing too many things about them. In my head they are all wonderful and lovely and nothing can go wrong, and that they secretly too are wishing a girl of their dreams is somewhere waiting for her. It's fun to crush on people from a distance, because you never have to get close enough to get hurt. And they are never egocentric and never a jerk. But when i finally have any opportunity to talk to them or REALLY find out how they are, i turn into stone.

So this is how it ends.

could it be possible that i am lucky enough to find such a person?

"Elle est amoureuse."
"Depuis quand?"
"Depuis toujours."


Then i have this urget to really find a good online french radio station to help me with my learning, and landed this one. It has about half and half hottest english/french indie music. just the one i need. :)

The Love Guru and Sarah Bareilles

Ok, first of all, a grand slam of a picture from the movie Love Guru. why? well, because I am somewhat of a (ironically) love guru to many of my girlfriends. people ask me questions which i think are easy to see the solution of, but are not so clear to people who are involved. I don't think i always come up with the best answers, but i always try to give logical one at least. Maybe because of my lack of relationship actually gives me that degree of freedom to think emotionlessly. but i have to say that I always learn something about how far girls are willing to go to preserve a relationship, while their bf's, dont want anything to do with it.

Case in point, today I was having one of those heart-to-heart moments with a girlfriend of mine. and she explained to me why she sort of stopped seeing her long-time bf who she's also in a long distance relationship with. Basically, she fell for someone at work...you know what i think about intraoffice/intraclass dating..the answer is NO! Anyway, so she got close to this guy, and they had a really fun month together and decided to get together before she went away for the summer internship. And now that she's back, he actually is telling her things like he feels bad about being inferior to her careerwise (she's in professional school, and he's still waiting to get in), and he thinks it's unfair for her to "wait for him" while he's still trying to go somewhere professionally, and he doesn't even know if he would get in. He wants her to feel free to date other people if she wants to. because ultimately that's the best decision for her.

Aww, such a nice guy, right? NO! Where do guys now adays learn this BS? from the school of "how to break up with someone and still manage to sound like a gentleman"? THIS is the kinda crap that's making girls unable to move on because they feel that they "want' to wait for you out of their free will and they will still hang out with you late night because they believe that there's still feelings left, it's just that their boyfriends need to settle professionally before they can go out again. I hate to break it to you, but from what i can translate, his big speech boils down to one thing "I WANT OUT". As heartless as this might sound, when someone breaks up with you, he doesn't like you enough. it doesn't matter if he does it because he's the president of the US and he doesn't have time for you ----he just doesn't like you enough, plain and simple. Look at it this way, if you REALLY like someone and can see yourself married to the person, would you even risk it by suggesting that you take a 'break'? because this break, can turn into a permanent one, and you lose the person forever. 10 out of 10 times i hear a little speech like that the guy and the girl never get back together. it really is just a way to let you down easy. so next time he calls at 2am in the morning wanting to hang out, tell him no. since he's decided to move on and do better things with his time while he "figures his life out", you've done the same too. There's a lot of blind dates await. No time for this grey-area dance.

That really makes me sound like such a loveless feminist.

But the main reason I dont put up with A-holes, is because i am not an a-hole. and A-holes definitely dont deserve my crying over him in sleep or wasting my precious time before exams to get jealous over some other girl. I have so much to give as a person and a girlfriend. I hate all dramas, and i cook fairly well and i'm willing to cook for my significant other and i'm up for anything fun. I really dont think people who are masochists deserve to step all over me. so i only want NICE BOYS (who, by the way are all taken, or have vanished from earth at least from where i stand).

Then i was at this fun concert over the weekend:

Sara Bareilles is this cute girl from UCLA who came up with songs like 'Love Song' or 'Fairy Tale' which are extremely cute and catchy. So i was lucky enough to get these tickets from my friend to see her at The Wiltern (and we went to this yummy Mr. Pizza Factory before, but i digress). and her opening bands were wonderful, but when Sarah came on it was a riot! She was so personable! but the funny thing is, right before she gets into every song she would talk about her inspiration for each one. And it's always along the lines of "i was in love with a guy who was in love with someone else", or " I walked in on my bf who was cheating on me"....

and she was such a CUTE GIRL! I mean she is so talented, has a great voice, and i very pretty...if a girl like her has to fall hard so many times, then there sure as hell isn't any chance for the rest of us. Probably not the most encouraging thing to realize. :/

by the say, here's a link to her music video.

2008年10月5日 星期日



I saw a commercial just now on foodnetwork. and apparently, living single is easier than i thought now. Thank god for the convenient restaurant services!

Ok trust me i dont mean it in a bitter way, but apparently, as I just discovered through the website, you can order pretty much anything around your house (if you live in the greater LA) that you can possibly think of, delivered right to your door. I used to think that, on days when i have to study for exams or when i just simply dont feel like putting on a presentable shirt to go out, my only choice is the food i make (and 9/10 times my fridge is empty), or i have to order from that same Thai delivery place I always order from. But imagine this, not having to wear any make up at all and enjoying the best foods in your neighborhood. The choices you can find are things like Armenian, mexican, american, japanese,Italian...and all very nice restaurants too! I think i'm gonna order myself a sushi roll with tempura ice cream after my final on monday! delivered right to my doorstep, HA!

The only catch is, for some of the restaurants, you need a minimum of $20 order, which can be easily achieved when you have 2 people, or when you want to order extra for the week to come (I know, i'm classic Bridge JOnes syndrome).

little joys in life...:)

2008年10月4日 星期六

you cannot pay me enough to stay awake

well...that pretty much sums it up. I'm spending my entire weekend at home trying to study for the final, and my skin is flaring up due to the intense stress...and yet i still manage to find time to doze off....so i blog to stay awake.

you can put a gun to my head right now and i can still fall asleep. ugh this boring sh*t...i am too old for this. I am pretty much like a senior citizen at a convalescent home with the tv on. Coffee sounds like such a good idea right now. except i dont actually HAVE a coffee maker!

one more thing on my wish list:
a real nice coffee maker that comes with little pouches you can stick in and makes only one cup at a time, and comes with the foam steamer so i can make some real nice foam for my latte.