2008年7月28日 星期一

County Fair and the weekend ahead

Yes it's only monday and i'm already blogging about the coming weekend..:P Well, it's not just ANY weekend, it's the weekend we've all been waiting for since...well, well, since a long time ago. :) Partly due to the size of the wedding, and people who are going to be in it, the location of the wedding, and how big of a deal it is going to be for all of us. It's officially the end of monday now and only 3 more days ahead before I have to leave to attend this wonderful wedding in a vineyard. So much to look forward to!

And about this past weekend, which was not nearly long enough, I had to go in for a shift, but at the end of a tiring day, we made it up by going to Stinking Rose:
The Stinking Rose

The day after, I've decided to visit the Orange County Fair, aka OC fair. This is the only county fair in the area i haven't made it to. I am such a big fan of any type of fairs, and county fair is a must-do in the summer.
The OC Fair

To sum it up, there were lots of food, bbq and fried. You can always count on county fairs to find some fried twinkies, fried zucchini's, lots of baked potatos, baby back ribs, hot link sausages, tri tips, pork butts, mexcian foods, bbq corn on the cob (yummy!), and FUNNEL CAKE...of course, there's the mariachi band performance, some good ol' animal shows, contests, product showcase, and rides. we always have to do a couple of roller coasters to end the day. and i spent my last tickets on shooting the balloon with one dart and got something! a very fun day indeed.

And the picture of the piggies, well, they were all fighting to get a spot to nap next to their mother, after a good ol' meal of sucking on you-know-what. ;) I swear i want to get a pet piglet. (;_;)

2008年7月23日 星期三

jobs that pay the rent

Well, the title is really a metaphor. i kinda live at home, so as of now the situation is rent-free. but i'm talking about in general, in comparison, you always realize what your priority is when you've had different job that suck in different ways.

When i was a freshman in college i used to HATE my job at Summit, which is a school cafeteria that serves really great food. That was probably my favorite one on campus and i was glad i was working there and not somewhere else. And I made some great friends when i was working there who have become my best friends. However i disliked my shifts a lot. Mainly because it was sort of like my first job, and i never had to be on my feet for so long (~ 5 hrs) and serving food in intense heat and smelling like the station i worked at (chinese, pizza, grill, ice cream, turkey sandwich, dishroom..you name it). And i had it when i was going through a breakup so i remembered the day after i was broken up, i still went in to work, and during the downtime i just felt like crying standing there. But i liked the atmosphere, just not the standing and my minimum wage. It got better after i got better shifts like cashiering. but still i knew i didnt want a job standing up, and i've developed such great respect for food industry workers (and therefore hate rude customers who act rude).

And then when i got my job at the lab, it was a lot easier and better than working at the restaurant. I only hated the commute, because i didn't have a car at the time and waiting for the bus to come and spending another 20 min on the bus just take up even more time than the time i spent working in the lab. It wasn't a horrible job, but i dont think i appreciated it enough. it did give me this one summer working with and having the priviledge of knowing this really hot summer intern in my lab. He had the most amazing eyes and a great smile to match and was just all over gorgeous. and he ended up taking a summer class in my genetics class and came to sit with me every time (well, i was a REALLY big dork then)! to this day i still can't believe we studied together which almost caused me immediate seizure on the spot out of nervousness, but that's another story to tell.

So the job at the lab was pretty laid-back. But when i had the ultimate job -- being a note-taker for a bio class -- that was the easiest $10/hr i ever made. you basically show up to class, type everything up, and sell it to the class, period.

So now i'm realizing that i am testing my endurance to the maximum with the current job i hold. i hate it when i have to be there, not 5 to 6 hrs. NINE hours at the pharmacy. According to california law you're entitled to a 15 min break per 4 hrs of working. well, not happening at this pharmacy. you're there till your lunch time then you're back for the rest of your shift. and no chairs.

when i look back to the days i complained about working in the dishroom for 4 hrs and having occasionally rude customers, i think THAT is heaven now (for reasons listed in my previous posts, relating to my current complaints of the job at the pharmacy).

It's funny how when you look back in life you realize how easy you had it then. Right now, my priority in life, is to find a job sitting down. and being able to actually eat my lunch in peace. when you look at the popped veins on my legs you'd know why.

in a way i can't wait til my summer is over, so that i can stop having to work extended shifts and actually sit my ass down in a chair for 6 hours listening to boring lectures. :P

(somehow that just sounded very negative, but i really meant it in a very appreciative manner.....)

my latest celebrity crush

Well, okay, i know by posting this, i'm officially admitting that i'm a single woman with nothing better to do than updating my celebrity crushes. but i'm only doing it for the clothes!

So i've been in love with Sienna Miller's non-chalant style for the longest time. I love how she's able to throw together pieces of simple designs and makes something stylish out of them. You dont even need expensive clothes to pull it off. she looks nice in long, unkempt hair, as well as short, messy 'do's. i can't tell you how many times i was tempted to just chop off my hair just look that carefree. but luckily, i haven't. i might one day, but i suppose i have to be crazy enough. because my features are just not the same. and my skin has to clear up first, but i digress. :P

However, during the past few months, she has turned into a really, really irritating someone who i'd really like to hate. Not because of her style changed. she still looks amazing, as i last checked on her website. It's the life style she leads, jumping from one 'husband of others' to another. and i'm having a hard time liking someone whose morals i don't agree with. so i've sorta started developing this girl crush for someone else.

Her name is Blake Lively. And she's been in movies like Sisterhood of traveling pants and most recently, Gossip Girl on CW. and as much as i hate the idea of the show, talking about a bunch of NY high schoolers screwing each other while in designer clothes, which is pretty far from reality. however regardless of the content of the show, she is one naturally pretty blond. and i like her clothes on and off the show which are so chic and elegant.

so she has officially become my new girl crush, and she was born in '87, i know. so sad. :(

2008年7月20日 星期日

Week update: some eating, more eating, and the beach

There wasnt' much going on this week, except that i have work on thurs and saturday (and thankfully eventless shifts), it was nice and relaxing. A few things worth noted:

French Class:
turns out that, even though i had taken the placement test and should be at a higher level, Berlitz screwed it up again. I had to wait 2 weeks before i attended my first class (and asked for these days off work), and it turned out to be a BEGINNER's class. They were actually starting from the VERY, VERY basic stuff like "how are you" and the colors. I was majorly pissed off and asked that the rest of my lessons be turned into tutor hours. I might just get these hours over with and be done with Berlitz. I have waited thus far for my summer french class and it's already the end of july and NOTHING really happened for me. I do not and will not recommend this institution to another. and by looking at their textbook it's not as well arranged as the one they used at the community college which i attended. I have to say most of the knowledge i have of the language comes from the class i took at PCC 3 years ago. LOVED my teacher who was so nice and passionate about france and french culture and she made it so fun!

went there with a pharm class mate. a very nice relaxing evening, the server was extremely friendly and upbeat, and the martini's were so yummy! i had the peach puree and strawberry field martinis. highly recommended for a girl's night out thing. had a real fun time catching up with my single girlfriend.

Tahoe Galbi:
went there on wed night because a friend had invited me. it was a very nice and upbeat korean bbq place that serves all you can eat. there were 3 other guys and two girls who were really cool and funny. except i wasn't particularly into dating any of them. :P

Mi Piace:

Venice Beach:
It was such a fun day at the beach. we all woke up to go to this really nice brunch place in downtown venice beach called Rose Cafe:
i probably blogged about this place before. i'm glad my parents also enjoyed their omelettes and deli selections. We then headed down to the beach and rented a body board to play in the water a bit. i am still TERRIBLE at it and drank lots of of water. :P it was so salty i swear something was going to shoot out of my nose, and the fact that my swimsuit bottom had become very lose did not help!i was probably butt naked half of the time. :P sorry to have flashed everyone! but it was fun to just hang with my sisters and spent quality time together. I'm glad we finally get to do this!

Yummy, yummy, yummy frech/japanese fusion restaurant. We came here right after the beach because my parents were here a couple days ago and wanted to share this nice place with us. has very created fusion food, some of the more memorable: Baked Romain lettus with shaved parmasian cheese on it; trio of smoked salmon croquette, Rose wine from La cote Bleue; lamb Loin; ravioli with shrimp paste and shitake mushroom...etc. everything comes in tapas size so you get to try ONE BITE of everything. ;) and then i just realized that this place is actually right next to the karaoke place and the milk tea place where i have hung out wiht friends before. Everything looks so different in day light.

Weird happening:
On the way walking to Orris, some car was honking at us as we crossed the street. I didn't think we broke any law but turned around to look anyway. As it turned out, some guys in an SUV thought they saw me last time at a club! What the Heck?! I haven't clubbed in ages! and i dont even like clubs! and i dont even look like a scantily dressed clubber?! and this is NOT the first time i've gotten asked/recognized for such things before. there must be a body double of myself roaming around in my city doing unspeakable things. Show thyself before you ruin my reputation out there! >_<

2008年7月10日 星期四

a repetitive one

so just got back from work 2 hrs ago (it's midnight right now), am feeling the same feelings as i've always felt, drained, discouraged, and sad. i'm beginning to repeat myself in every post now.

- a doctor who CLEARLY knew he couldn't write himself a prescription for controlled medications was trying to trick me into filling the meds for him. what an asshole. and i was all trying to be helpful. clearly he was taking me along for the ride. even the pharmacist said that. very very gullible of me.

- irate patients who are rude and talk down to you

- boss telling me i need to be more careful with the cash register because apparently, the numbers don't match up when i cashier. (and i have no friggin idea why)

- boss PMSing (history repeating itself again)

- overtly PDA couple trying to show me how much they love each other, usually something like a old white man and his asian lady.

- few attractive patients, if there is any, usually picking up something for their herpes or mental medications or viagra, or picking up somethign for their wives/kids/girlfriends

there ARE a few heart-warming perks, though, in this darkness:

- some people are pleasant and understanding enough and share my pain and always comfort me about the asses i had to deal with before them.

- few people who are gracious enough to thank me by my name (they spotted it on my badge). very sweet gesture.

- the latino guy who works in the front of the store. (maybe it's not a bad idea to just give in to this ray of sunshine in my life)....even if he's 18!!! (j/k i dont really know. will have to find out)

So yeah, you think you study hard and go through school to try to be a professional, and the crap you have to deal with like your degree doesn't matter, makes you doubt your choices every day.

and i'm repeating myself, i know.

2008年7月3日 星期四

i'm in a mexican state of mind

So...since I came back from my mini vacation, i haven't completely snapped out of the vacation mode. especially when work gets really crazy, and i wish that i'm still lying on the chaise next to the pool or frolicking on the beach. :p 16 hour of the night shift can bring you back to reality. :P

However, a few interesting things have happened over the past two days at work:

-i was scheduled with this SUPER clueless pharmacist who didn't know how to do anything and i was stuck with all the work..while she casually read her book on herbal medicine. -_-

-Then someone conveniently called in sick today, so AGAIN i was super overworked because there were only the two of us there again. -_-

- someone came in for her medications for infections down there, and the nurse ordered the wrong medication for her. so she broke down in front of me crying...saying how stupid the nurse was..because she could't get her meds. a COMPLETE BRIZILLA. she kept calling that nurse retarded and stupid and using other expletives. i dont understand how brizillas are married off and i'm not. ;)

- this really gross couple came in (i mean this really old white guy and his asian gf who didn't speak much eng) i know i know..i'm being harsh but i just dont like guys with that fetish! and so he proudly announced that he's a doctor and he would like to write a prescription for himself. all the while massaging each others backs. for heaven's sake, can't you at least separate for a second?? and so i had to supress the urge of projecting vomit, and they walked off still rubbing each other's backs.

- this guy trying to get his condoms..and the shelf was locked so he asked me for the key. i didnt' know there WAS a key for the condom shelf..so i had him take me to that section and he was pointing out this Trojan MAGNUM. i was trying so hard not to laugh. its hilarious how trojan makes these funny names like Her pleasure and His pleasure and Enhanced pleasure. and I believe Magnum is for XL people having their Magnum sex. the sound of it just makes me want to laugh. this is why you know doctors/nurses/pharmacists/any healthcare professional do laugh after you leave if you happen to have some embarrassing disease. sadly i'm not very professional yet. :P

ok i'm officially updating my trip in Cabo tomorrow! :-)