2008年6月27日 星期五

thanks for the initiative...people :P

this is a post reflecting on some very current and bizarre comments i hear these days...thanks for providing the initiative for me to date/get married...-_-

So yesterday I was visiting my dermatologist for my skin problems. And like always, I waited forever before i was finally seen. And usually we keep our conversation to the minimum, because she's always been busy and kind of impersonal. I have to honestly say that I didn't like my dermatologist very much for these reasons.

So half way through my treatment, she got a call on her cell, and she stepped out of the room to answer it. before she left, i was told that it was her attorney, at which point i thought "wtf!" she better not be in some kind of malpractice lawsuit. which made me feel uncomfortable thinking something might happen to my face as well.

When she came back, she told me that she had to answer it cuz she was actually going through a divorce. From that point on it was like a flooded gate just opened. She started telling me that the ophthamologist who co-run the clinic with her (who also has his commercial on tv) was her husband. One day out of the blue he decided to get a girlfriend, and my doc for the longest time tried to ignore it but in the end didn't think she deserved it. So they are getting a divorce.

Then all the unanswered questions have been answered. I thought these two doctors were both attractive, and have wondered if they were classmates who opened the practice together, it turned out that they were actually MARRIED. And the ophthamologist has always been a really attractive man, not that i was attracted to him, but i could tell he was good looking for his age. Too bad he had to find that mid-life validation like all other men who cheated.

So i felt genuinely bad for my doc, who i almost never spoke about anything other than my skincare routine. She then told me she has two kids, one 10 and one 7 y/o who are both adorable. And she was married for 10 years to her soon to be ex-husband. She asked me if i was seeing someone, and i told her the honest truth that it's been a long time since i had gone out. and the relationship ended for reasons i could never know. She then immediately made the conclusion that there must have been someone else, because no relationship would end without a third party. honestly i dont think i care anymore because my ex isn't even worth a synapse of my nerve cells, and i can honestly say that i no longer have feelings for him.

And for some reason i feel really sad about this whole thing after i left her office. it was the first time my doctor or any doctor for that matter ever opened up to me as woman to woman, and i guess going through a hardship would do that to you. Yes i think that was honestly too much information but I really felt bad and didn't mind so much. It only made me feel hopeless about the future, because I can totally see that the two docs were so compatible. they are still attractive now, but you can obviously tell my dermatologist is about 40 y/o now. it forces you look at the sad fact that undeniably women are always each other's enemies, because there will always be someone much younger, who's eager to marry your husband. (which is why i REFUSE to get with anyone who is much older than i am).

And then today in the pharmacy, this customer was telling me about his friend who graduated from pharm school probably many years ago (he's this 90 year old patient). And he said this girl WASN'T PRETTY (since when are men allowed to comment about the plainess of their female friends to a total stranger??), but graduated with a pharm degree, and married her pharmacology professor, who later left her. I'm so sure at that point my face was close to twitching uncontrollably, was i supposed to learn anything from his anecdote?? so basically, a plain jane like me, if ever married to someone smart, will be divorced eventually??

And then there was that friend of cousin B's at the bachelorette party, one of the first things she told me when we met at the pool was that she went out with this guy all throughout four years of college, and when they graduated, he dumped her. So according to her, the moral of the message was that, DO NOT COMMITT.

I have to say that, if i get a penny for everytime someone tells me a depressing single woman story which i can somehow see my reflection in, i would be a VERY rich person who can quit school right now and go on a vacation in the bahamas (by myself). I just cannot believe how my outlook has come to be so sad. everywhere i look or turn i see/hear woman being cheated on/screwed over. especially if you're successful, you can pretty much sit on your ass and wait for shit to happen. So much initiative for me to go out and date. I AM only 25 right now, and i shouldn't be so pessimistic about everything, but i won't stay young forever. one day i'll be one of those women patients i have at my pharmacy picking up her own cholesterol meds using my walker and telling people about someone who left me years ago.

How can i ever believe that "I Love you" is not "I love you right now" or "I love you until i meet someone 10 years younger"?

And that's why i have a feeling that prince charming for me may not exists at all. no one can love you more than yourself.

although i still believe in fairy tales, sadly. :(

2008年6月23日 星期一

Letting go....

Today as i was bending backwards to clean up the house and my crap that's been lying around the house for 10 years, i came across a box of "stuff" i had saved since college. It's full of memories, letters, notes, bday cards, presents, pictures i had accumulated over the years. my roommate at the time who i seldomly keep in touch with now, wrote me these cards that were so cute and funny at the same time. We eventually grew apart for some reason, but I was remember how big a loser I was at the time and she still was such a great friend to me. I still clearly remember that I was always feeling miserable and kinda lonely, and i never quite got over my breakup, but looking at these cards/note/letters/pictures now reminds me of how fortunate I was to have these people around. Aside from that roommate, most these people are still as close to me as ever. Especially my friends from Taiwan, they probably see my transformation the most. From that dork i used to be (probably still am) to the person I am today. It's hard to make yourself live in the moment and appreciate what you have until all things have passed.

There was another bag i probably haven't opened for years, and even i was caught off guard by these memorabilia from when i was going out with hunter. There were these letters he sent to me, emails i printed out, emails from MYSELF that i printed out about reasons why i thought he was a sweetie to me, and cards from our anniversary and important holidays, and these last pictures of him which i still own unknowingly.

I read everything, and threw everything away. It didn't occur to me that I should at least keep something to remind myself of my past relationships when i'm old. I used to think that i should start a box for every relationship I've had. Because good or bad, i've had some fun times with these people. Well, it turns out, that at the age of 25, that was the ONLY relationship i've had. I have to say that since these are actually hard copies of his picture, once thrown away are lost forever. But I just couldn't find any legitimate reasons to keep them anymore.

I guess i just feel that, it seems sad and ironic at the same time, reading these 'words of love', when there is no love left at all. I hate to use the word now to describe our relationship because i firmly believe that two people in love don't just break up one day because they stop liking each other. At best I can only say that we LIKED each other a lot. But to read words from him that showered me with all kinds of compliments and longing is just so ironic and sad. the relationship is so over. it's been over for 7 years now.

in all honestly i dont think i've quite forgiven him, and neither do i have to. i used to think that it would take me a couple more years to be able to read these things without breaking down or feeling extremely depressed, or that next time I run into him i better be with a really hot guy so that i can show him off. But i've gotten past all that apparently. I have no feelings toward him or the relationship whatsoever, and i think i am fine the way i am, even if he appears to be doing better without me. HOnestly i really dont think i care anymore, about him or how he might think. he just wasn't 'the one'.

And can I just say that I am so glad i didn't end up with him? :)

2008年6月20日 星期五

Finally made up my mind: French it is!

Ok, so after a couple weeks of indecision and laziness, I've finally decided on the "class d'ete"---French it is! I have comtemplated about it over and over, and was really having a hard time choosing between French, piano, ballroom dancing, and surfing. I mean, I can see myself enjoy any of these activities, and they each fulfill my life in different ways (i wonder why pharmacy never made the list ;)....), but i had to look at them realistically. It is true that ballroom dancing is practical, especially at my age, when i'm starting to attend various occasions that require some dancing. It would help tremendously if i can just quit that SHUFFLE and start doing something rhythmic. I'm kinda fed up by how embarrassing i look when i'm on the dance floor. and it IS a good way to meet lots of dance partners. However i suppose the drive isn't big enough that i'm willing to commit 6 weeks of my life doing it. It seems more suitable for a school year activity, when you just go and have fun. I suppose it is the same with piano. i would LOVE to perfect my skills, seeing i'm still playing songs i used to play 10 years ago. I feel that i have definitely hit that bottleneck where I am not moving forward, and I can't play the harder songs because i can't figure out the fingers. and i'm starting to forget a lot of the old ones. and i'm frustrated with how sloppy i play my piano. if only one day i can play something more difficult from Chopin, Debussy, or Revel. However, realistically piano is such a home activity. you almost never get to play outside of your house, or if there isn't a piano available. Although I did check out this really wonderful music academy in my area, but I'm afraid since I only have 1 year left where i can receive instruction, it won't take me very far. but oh how i'd love to improve....:(

So surfing looks like something i can always pick up later in life, and it takes 3 days to learn, really..the rest you're on your own. so there's never a rush. plus, i'd really have to get in shape. at this stage i think i will stick with boogie boarding.

So this past wednesday, i called up a few places in the area that teaches foreign languages. one of the L'academie de francais. however their session began already. although pretty cheap per class, i would have to join them a month before their semester ends. so that's not very ideal. then I called up this other place and paid them a visit. and on a whim i just signed up. hence tomorrow i go in for my oral evaluation.

I often wonder if any of this is going to pay off in the future. I mean, yes, another language will always be helpful, but how is it really going to benefit my life? i may never run into a french-speaking person ever again. and even if i do, i probably dont need to engage in any kind of deep conversation with them. and if i am doing it for the sake of travelling, with the 10 vacation days what are the chances i always end up in french speaking countries...i may end up forgetting it all in another 5 years. in that case, wouldnt' it be better for me to learn say piano (entertain myself at home), surfing (work out), or ballroom dancing (you just dont forget)?

and on the other hand, whoever i talk to from my class are working their butts off. I mean, they are either enrolled in a dual degree program, pulling two jobs, or doing a internship. I always sound like such a hippie not completely devoted to what i learn at school. and in a way I do feel that i dont know as much as i SHOULD know at this point of my career. there are still many drugs i can't remember the mechanisms of action, i still have trouble remember brand vs. generic names, and i still feel like flipping out when i have to service patients who are just a pain in the ass. over the past two weeks i have been catching up, working extensively and just draining my energy, but still after a 1-10pm and then 9-6pm shift on my feet i feel like killing myself. how is it possible that i can put up with crap like this? 90% of what i do at work isn't even related to school or any relevant clinical knowledge at all! i'm explaining to patients why their copay is so high, or that we are not trying to steal their money from them, or verifying some prescriptions with TERRIBLE handwriting by some doctors.

where am i going after this? and what am i really doing with my life? everyday i question myself.

2008年6月15日 星期日

a weird party and some sunshine on the beach

After i worked my butt off this week (imagine working for 33 hrs ON YOUR FEET, with shifts that run from 1-10pm and the following day 9-6pm for 3 consecutive days), i realized that i get to have sunday off! So i decided to give myself a fun, relaxing weekend, and thus accepted an invitation from my sister to attend his friend's friend's farewell party.

Complete weirdness can't even begin to describe the vibe of the party. It was thrown by these Argentinian guys, for one of them is going away to Spain for good (oddly, most non-american people never seem to worry about where their next paycheck is coming from, they just take off--- to whatever country they desire, and they all seem to have family/friends all over the world. More power to them, i guess. i mean, i'm pretty darn sure that when i'm 30 i can't live a lifestyle as carefree as theirs). And according to this curly hair green-eyed Argentinian he's just gonna sit around on the beautiful beach of Spain with his friends.

So then the party was filled with a lot of non-americans, which is fine by me. you can pretty much tell by the way they dress and the way they look, very bohemian and colors everywhere. and they all seem pretty hyper or high on something. then some of their american friends showed up, and they too, seem very hyper for no reason. So i'm guessing this is how artsy people's parties are like. just a lot of randomness, here's a few:

- hula hoops. two of them. and these 30 something grown ups are using the hula hoops to their max. shake that thang...
- Trance/techno music + disco ball. you almost feel like you're in a european club. and then you see the guys/girls dance to trance...it's like a rave (and luckily i never got into those). i tried to force myself to dance (or flail my arms aimplessly in the air to the music) but i just gave up. not that hip-hop is more my thing but at least it's not as fast-paced as trance. and all the while my sister's friend kept telling me to let go/relax...i'm guessing it'll take me indefinite shots of vodka or indefinite joints of pot to achieve that effect.
- people doing cirque du soleil stuff: two girls just randomly started doing gymnastic activities by lifting each other on their knees/butts and balance in the air. i was like wtf.....
- the said two girls proceeded to take off their clothes and got into the hot tub. completely butt naked. they were floating on water with their boobs sticking out. then one guy joined them. yucky.
- people playing fire: some guy and some girl actually started doing tricks by swinging fireballs and twirl a stick that's lit with fire on both ends. wow. i'm really in hawaii watching a show.

So i was pretty much in awe the whole time, while feeling like a complete outsider. this had to be the weirdest social function i've ever attended. no prospect for future husband material, everyone was a free spirit. and the guys still behaved like horndogs. i'm really translating all the "i'd like to get to know you better" to what it really means : i'd like to f u.


Then sunday i woke up and met with my friends from school for brunch in venice beach. it was at The Rose caffe & Market. it was quite a bohemian place too, a restaurant inside a gallery. i had some delicious omelette and bread, and we had some really good laughs. afterwards we headed to the beach. the water was FREEZING! but we all braved the temperature and got in after about 30 min (we are such chickens). we tried to boogie board a little, was very fun indeed. then we headed back to the sand and just lay out and chatted.

The day ended with me on my way back to home, almost got into an accident. apparently i had forgotten to release the hand brake until i was already on the freeway. so i released it then, and then 5 min later i was trying to brake and my brake stopped working. i was going even faster approaching the car in front of me at 75 mph. i freaked and hit the other pedal (gas pedal) and the car went even farther... so i swerved to the lane next to me and then back and just went like this for minutes until my car slowed down. can you imagine? being on the freeway and your brake is not working...and there was no place to exit cuz i was at a freeway junction. finally i had an opportunity to leave, meanwhile all the cars around me were completely freaked out. they all followed 500 meters behind me slowly, probably thinking i just had a seizure or my car broke down. i drove home slowly every time having to brake 500 meters before a light so i could come to a stop. Definitely wil have to fix that car tomorrow. i almost lost my life over it!

In short, a very interesting weekend indeed. Thank god i'm still alive. :)

2008年6月10日 星期二

am i ready for IT?

so i was mentioning about Match.com the other day to a friend of mine..joking about how i'm going to sign up RIGHT THIS YEAR (out of frustration of course).

And so yesterday i tried to start a free profile, and yet i couldn't finish it. the same ideas kept running through my head: am i ready to commit to this online dating stuff?

I mean it's worked before, for a lot of people, so why am i so hesitant about taking this big step (and is it a big step at all)? i mean the lifestyle i'm leading does look like it can use a little online dating services, i'm either at school or at work, surrounded by 90% females, and when i go out i hardly meet anyone who's eligible and who i'd like to know better. maybe Match isn't such a bad idea, since you can come across someone who has similar interests who you just never cross paths with. Very rational.

But why can't i finish writing my profile? what is holding me back? there's some time left but not THAT much time left. i should already want to do this thing to increase my chances, what's the worst that can happen?

well, i guess to me it means a lot more than just casually meeting people. It also means the end of my hopeful phase that something might happen natually without human force intervened. I kept hoping that one day, by some weird occurence, i would bump into/pick up the same merchandise/flirt shamelessly with a stranger who will eventually become my significant other, and make a good wedding story out of it. I am just not sure if saying "we met on matchher/eharmony/yahoo personal" will do it for me. of course it can be romantic, i mean out of millions of users online we click with each other, that IS kind of romantic. but like i said, i tend to like to think that internet is reserved for those who really just sit at home hoping that someone online will become his/her soulmate all the while disengage him/herself from the real world. but i guess i'm becomgin the butt of my own joke this time.

same reason why i preferred not to be set up.

2008年6月9日 星期一

Turning 25 (a time capsule post)

This is the first post i'm writing on turning 25 (which happened yesterday--6/7).

It was a good day, and very mellow too. I gathered about 8 close friends, to eat out at a nice sushi restaurant in Santa Monica (Sushi Roku--wayy over priced, and cost us a fortune--sorry girls!) follow by some drinking and game watching at Yankee Doodle (a sports bar).

I am extremely grateful for those who came out. I was happy that i was able to spend this special day with my very close friends, all sitting at one table, together for my birthday. There were some who weren't able to make it, but I was content. What more can a single gal ask for?

It is true that while sometimes i tend to look at the downside of things, such as not having gone on a date for a VERY long time and not meeting quality individuals with whom i may have a future with, but really i think it is truely a blessing to be surrounded by friends who have been with you thick and thin, who you can be the ugliest, most disgusting self with. When i counted the years i've known these people, some since high school , some college and some i have only gotten to know very well in graduate school, in ever stage of my life i was blessed enough to have these people hold my hands through the single days. I have always been single, but in a way i have never been truely lonely. and i've always felt the support of my family as well, even though i haven't spent another birthday with them since i left the country.

Last year at this time i was in Rome, at a bar with the rest of my tour group. It was the last day before i left my grand tour of europe, and i was hanging with these awesome people from all over the US whom i would otherwise have never met if not this tour. people were buying me drinks and i loved the french martini my roommate from florida recommended. One of the last things i saw before I called it a nigh in Rome was the Trivoli Fountain. that was probably one of the most amazing things i have seen in my life so far. i was taken aback by how breathtakingly beautiful it was. and like everyone else, i tossed two coins behind my back into the fountain. one for good luck and one for a promised return to Rome. which i don't know when THAT will be. but hopefully very soon.

When i look back on my life so far, i feel that there's some very amazing times and some very bad times. I realize that i tend to let the feeling of misery take over whatever else that is good in my life. Yes being lonely sucks, and it makes you a little desperate at time, especially when the whole world seems to be dating and in love. you wonder what is so wrong about you that nobody likes, and you start inspecting your life choices because you wonder if you're simply too 'uptight' to meet someone worthwhile, or you doubt your own attractiveness. and when all else fails, you simply give up on the notion that you will EVER meet your prince charming and be married. you life seems to end at 25. and you doubt that the next 5 years will be any better. if anything, probably worse.

But it hasnt been all that bad. There's been a million things i've done that i'm proud of. even if they are stupid funny choices. i dont regret the crushes i've had because they made my life my interesting, even if they were unrequited love. I've travelled and had a great time everytime i went somewhere, even if i 1)couldn't speak the language well/at all; or 2) lose my belongings on the way; or 3) was scared like hell because of safety reasons; or 4)never met foreign boyfriends like the others did. but i still got a kick out of every experience. i wouldn't be able to choose if i have to decide on a city to live in ..i would have to rotate and take me another 25 years!

i've become such a different person too. 10 years ago i was making one of the most major decisions of my life moving to the US. I came here looking and dressing like a dork and was basically thrown into the real world. i think i can now finally call myself mature/sophisticated/cosmopolitan which i would have never been able to imagine myself before. I have had to learn to defend myself in many ways but i have, and i think i am doing it in a way that is tolerable within my nature. I am never bitchy, just defensive, and you need a lot of that to survive in the real world, without people walking all over you. But i have become a tough person. I've also become more confident in the knowledge i have about my studies. I am still not great at what i do, and i certainly still have doubts about the future. but i've walked a long distance to get to where i am today, and i am not quitting before i get that degree. i just need to believe that i can achieve it.

I've also become a lot more comfortable with my body and who I am. there were times when i was extremely self-concious about what i was because i was surrounded by beautiful people, always, and i saw no point in becoming anything better. but i've learned to appreciate who I am. and i've learned to dress better, to look better, to CARE and respect what i was born with. i'm not perfect, but i can be happy with what i have. i never used to wear skirts or swimsuits before. and i never cared about the food i ate and exercise. but i'm taking really good care of my body now for health and aesthetic reasons and I am glad to say that i'm finally a woman i'd like to be.

i've loved, and i've lost. and i've been crazy and i've been good. i've been quirky and i've been rational. i want to move on with my life and see what's in store for me in the next 10 years. will i have a job i enjoy? will be in the US or somewhere else? will I still be close to the friends i have? will I be a single career woman who flies all over the world to meet with clients? will i be married?

well, i may never have all of the above, but i really just want to be HAPPY. and that, is really the hardest thing to ask for. and i'm crossing my fingers.


2008年6月3日 星期二

MY 24 hr non-stop dancing encounter (3)

so here's the real interesting part:

after we went upstairs, it went something like this:
this dancer from nowhere started dancing for us, and he said WITH A REALL BAD ACCENT:


at which point i was sure i was going to laugh hysterically in my head due to its corniness. then he danced a little for us. later my cousin's friend D found the guy she had the hots for, and said we could just share this private dance. so we were led to this darkly lit couch area, and before i knew it, another guy grabbed me and wanted to do a dance for me. this guy i actually recognize from before because when we came in the first time, he started talking to cousin B almost immediately, pointing at me as if telling her to buy one for me. but Cousin B was too embarrassed from this other dancer's dance that she didn't bother. and then he came a few times after that saying he could do one for me or my friends. but i turned him down as well. so anyway, he started his dance. and i realy just thought the whole thing was funny and didn't think much into it.

I think i must have acted pretty embarrassed/reserved, so he didn't try to do the REALLY raunchy stuff on me (or else i might have died of humiliation), he just kinda danced for me, and kept touching my hair and my face saying how he thinks i'm beautiful (what a line). he danced for me for the longest time, and i was actually starting to feel bad for him because i must have looked like a deadfish or soemthing. too bad i'm not turned on like his other customers, but dirty dancing was just funny to me not THAT sexy. at one point i actually wanted to tell him it's okay and stop trying because i felt really bad for him. he must have used up all his lines. so there was actualy this awkward silence during hte dance..and i was such a dork that i started trying to have a conversation with him (which was laughed at by my sister later for my stupidity). when he was done dancing we went back to friend D's booth and she was still enjoying it a lot..so we had to wait for her (another awkwardness) because my purse was behind her head..-_- *. but Christopher the Polish guy was nice enough that he was just hugging me so we didn't look like idiots intruding. (it must have been the most G-rated $20 he's ever earned because it was just sooooo soooo non LD like. :/.....)he came by to say hi later, and gave me a big hug before we left the club the last time.


i think i partly wanted to get the dance, because i feel i'm sooooo old now and sooo single. everyone keeps saying that you're young and you still have many years ahead of you, and you're cute blah blah blah, and they are in disbelief when i tell them i've been single for 7-8 years now. i mean, almost EVERYONE is seeing someone nowadays, i feel like a freak. i'm even starting to doubt how attractive i really am. if what everyone says is true, how can i be the only one undesirable by guys? also i partly want to just erase all bad memories from before, from this year, from that really sad sad relationship i had centuries ago, from school and the horrible people, from work and my boss bitchy as hell, from all the single valentine days/xmas/new year's eve, from the all the days i walk the empty street by myself, from all the battles i've had to fight career wise without someone romantic to turn to at the end of the day. i could see all these flashbacks that i've had thusfar in life and i though WHAT THE HECK. it doesn't hurt to have someone whisper to you and shower you with compliments, and do something wild just for day. next time i touch anyone who's male might be a middle aged, beer belly, financially stable prick who i am set up with by my relatives/married friends who just feel bad for me. i may never know what six packs feel like. so i'm gonna do it. and feel good about it.

but then of course, when i really think about it, i still can't shake off the feeling that i had to PAY for some hot guy to be that affectionate to me. i'm sure he was saying all these lines that he's used on all his other customers and they worked like gold, and to someone like me believing that they were true was just a little sad. he does this everyday, it IS a job for him. i need to stop thinking a male revue dancer is hot because that is jsut one category that i shouldn't think about at all. and plus, i really can't remember his face because his face was away from the light so i only really saw this silhouette of a hot guy. except that he had really shiney, pin straight shoulder length hair. and i thought THAT was interesting ( i have weird tastes).

but yeah, it was a quite liberating experience. i think i would take a LD over anything in a heartbeat. ;)

my 24 hr non-stop dancing encounter (2)

So here is the REAL fun part of the night:

OG is the kinda club where people actually take it almost all off, if you know what I mean, so it's actually a non-stop dancing kinda bar. ;) the first floor is for guys, so you walk in to see a bunch of naked girls on stage working it, and there are these others giving guys LD's (something dance...i dont want to spell it out for my parents to get a heart attack). i was already in awe when i saw that. but we want to go UPSTAIRS, where the GUYS are. and then that was the most incredible sight of my WHOLE life thusfar. you see a TON of naked, hot like steel bodies, perfect brad-pitt butts, in THONGS. and i mean THONGS. and they would come around you and ask if you would like a dance personally, or buy one for your friend. so of course, we all bought a lot of cousin B, and she was embarrassed like HELL. it was so hilarious to see her like that, because she certainly was more disgusted than enjoyed ;)....and then her friends started buying for each other, so all the laugher's because laughees. it was just so funny when people are forced by the guys to touch their bods and bend in these unspeakable positions.

Just as i was laughing at these girls, i think someone from the group bought one for my sister and I. dont worry, it was nothing as raunchy because i think cousin B would freak out if it were, and we were just too embarrassed to act like we were enjoying the touchin and the dangling of certain body part. the guy who danced for us was this little asian guy, and he was being very courteous so itwasn't as traumatizing as i thought it would be.

We went downstairs after some time and started watching the girls, the girls were okay, no one too gorgeous. So i started losing focus. i was really expecting some big breasted blond girls really working it. but then around me i was pretty disturbed by the LDcer's and their customers. for some reason i just think guys touching girls are so much worse than girls touching guys....it was just gross seeing how much the guys were enjoying the dance. :P so one of cousin B's friend convinced me to go back upstairs and get a private LD (she got one earlier that night)...and i was thinking what the heck, i'm turning 25 in seven days and i may NEVER have my own bachelorette, and everyones there so nothing could possibly happen, so i went back upstairs.


24 non-stop dancing first encounter (1)

So my cousin B is getting married this summer, and i was invited to her bachelorette party which took place the day after i came back from tw. My sis and I left a day early for vegas so we wouldn't be too tired all day saturday partying with the girls.

So we checked into Monte Carlo on friday, to our surprise, they actually upgraded us to the DIAMOND SUITE because all their regular rooms were full! and i only bought the room 2 days before our departure! however the initial pleasantness was quickly followed by inevitable sadness. because the room was just TOO AWESOME! There was a kitchen with a bar area, a full living room, a separate bedroom with another tv, and a HUGE bath completed with a massaging bathtub! How awesome is that?! so awesome that i feel bad that there were only the two of us, if it was any other girl i'm sure they'd be down at the Bar picking up random hot guys, or if i was on my honeymoon this would have been perfect...but those weren't our situations, so we headed for the BUFFET :P. however, i still happily ended the evening with a nice bubble bath and a can of Sapporo beer which we found in the fridge at a shop downstairs...how i like japanese beers. :)

We woke up at 10 the following day...frantically got ready to leave our fabulous room for Brit's pool party at Treasure Island. Her friend had reserved a Cabana by the pool with food provided by a resaurant. There we met the rest of her friends, and just hung out til about 6pm. It was a ton of fun, since i've never had the pleasure of kicking it in a cabana, there was plenty of food, plenty of drinks, and plenty of fruits and magazines. we just lay our there to get tan, and hit the pool occasionally to cool off.

We met up again at 7pm for some Mexican at Diego:

It was kinda funny because her friends had brought her a TON of bachelorette party stuff that are hilarious. she had the veil, the sash, the penis tatoo and all sorts of penis candies (think dick tarts), i had no idea where to get these stuff!!! so we had some great dinner, and ready to head to our next spot.

We were going to see Thunder from Down Under, which is another male revue show at Excalibur Casino similar to the famous Chippendales. but their box office had already closed by the time we finished dinner. So some girl suggested that we go to OG, which stands for Olympic Garden, and then the REAL part of the story continues.....