2007年3月5日 星期一

Claire's social experiment

Ok I'm reading so much my eyes are getting watery. The saddest part is, I KNOW i'm going to fail tomorrow's exam. I am expected to know everything about molecular biology/genetics ever invented/used by researchers in all kinds of situations. I don't know why the professor expects this of me. It took me 4 years of undergrad to really kind of understand how the genes might work, and now i'm talking about clinical application.......I wouldn't be surprised if i failed to answer half the exam questions.

So under my extreme exhaustion, I started reading an article on happen.com (by match.com). And then there's these pull-down options where i can search for people of the opposite sex and limit the age and location. So i searched for fun: Male, 22-27 y/o, location doesn't matter. And i got a bunch of VERY scary looking guys. and i mean VERY. they are so hideous if they run private school i wont send my kids there. (so i was thinking great, if i ever put up a profile that's how people are going to look at me, single AND scary-looking). And then as i impatiently clicked through the pages feeling quite sad about the situtaion, I saw this guy who's remotely better looking, who i actually woulnd't mind shoot an e-mail to (but of course i'm not signed up with match.com). And his location is UK. Which raises the question, are european men better looking than their American counterparts? So i did another search, limiting the physical location to LONDON, UK (as a start). And voila! I would say the curve just shifted upward by a good 50%. There are honestly pages of guys who do not make single people look sad. So are european men really better crop than the guys i'm meeting here? I believe all that mixing with the eastern european, italian guys does the job. But try it sometime, you'll be surprised how gifted/lack of people look in different parts of the world. And then you can start thinking about moving there like I do.
