2007年3月27日 星期二


從春假回來後就一直沒有post新文章或照片 一部分是因為忙 一部分是因為我相機壞了 放假時還可以在當機前照個幾張 現在則是完全不能動 我照片都卡在裡面了啦啦啦 (哭) 只好改天再去買新相機 (還是要Canon :P )

既然不能以圖片代字 我就先list 一些好玩的地方 之後再慢慢介紹 (又在懶了):

Mission District

Castro District (好多有型的GBLT)

Esperando 西班牙tapas餐廳超好吃的 氣氛也不錯

Suede (一個club 還不錯 不過我還不太喜歡跳舞就對了)

Heighs & Ashbury (超嘻皮的地方 有好多二手衣店 不過我有點怕怕的)

Fisherman's Wharf (漁人碼頭 還是去不煩)

Ghiradelli Square (yummy yummy)

搭公車轉Bart to Berkeley

跟Jane 吃地中海食物

鯉魚門 (吃過最好吃的飲茶)




Lombard St.

跟郭逛Union Square!!! <3

小義大利的Mona Lisa Restaurant

Twin Peaks (羅曼蒂克可惜我是單身 :*( )

舊金山超好玩的 都不用開車真方便 :D

2007年3月10日 星期六

French Nail

今天是 spring break 開始的第一天 決定自己做指甲來慶祝一下 挑了去年買到現在還沒用的 french Nails set from Maybelline and Gemey 在巴黎的Sephora 找到的 還滿不錯用 可是要等很久就是了 而且我第一次用還不很熟練 一下子忙東忙西的又沾到了 真是.......


2007年3月8日 星期四

Guys Working at my store......


(details will follow...........when I take my study break in 2 hrs) :)

Ok this is a day later....Anyway the two latino guys are very easy on the eyes and translate Spanish for us. Guys who speak a foreign language can be very attractive...and with names like Julio and Jacob. Definitely got the male model look...but they work at the store front! (which means 2 things, either they can be hs students still, which makes it illegal for me to even think about them, or they can be 30 y/o's who still cashier.......) They must think i'm a dork for staring at them (when they are not looking ;) . :P hehe.

2007年3月5日 星期一

Claire's social experiment

Ok I'm reading so much my eyes are getting watery. The saddest part is, I KNOW i'm going to fail tomorrow's exam. I am expected to know everything about molecular biology/genetics ever invented/used by researchers in all kinds of situations. I don't know why the professor expects this of me. It took me 4 years of undergrad to really kind of understand how the genes might work, and now i'm talking about clinical application.......I wouldn't be surprised if i failed to answer half the exam questions.

So under my extreme exhaustion, I started reading an article on happen.com (by match.com). And then there's these pull-down options where i can search for people of the opposite sex and limit the age and location. So i searched for fun: Male, 22-27 y/o, location doesn't matter. And i got a bunch of VERY scary looking guys. and i mean VERY. they are so hideous if they run private school i wont send my kids there. (so i was thinking great, if i ever put up a profile that's how people are going to look at me, single AND scary-looking). And then as i impatiently clicked through the pages feeling quite sad about the situtaion, I saw this guy who's remotely better looking, who i actually woulnd't mind shoot an e-mail to (but of course i'm not signed up with match.com). And his location is UK. Which raises the question, are european men better looking than their American counterparts? So i did another search, limiting the physical location to LONDON, UK (as a start). And voila! I would say the curve just shifted upward by a good 50%. There are honestly pages of guys who do not make single people look sad. So are european men really better crop than the guys i'm meeting here? I believe all that mixing with the eastern european, italian guys does the job. But try it sometime, you'll be surprised how gifted/lack of people look in different parts of the world. And then you can start thinking about moving there like I do.

2007年3月4日 星期日

Weekend full of surprises...

禮拜五是忙碌的一天 早上匆忙的考了一個小考後 就急忙投入大溪地舞的最後練習 穿上草裙後每個人都變得好會跳 一切都進行的很順利直到.......表演到一半我裙子掉下來!!!! 我還渾然不知直到聽到觀眾的驚叫聲 好在我裡面有穿sarong 可班上同學都坐我正旁邊 還得電動臀最後一次 超糗:(
之後回到家 換了衣服後就奔去Universal City Walk 了 朋友幫我買了雪警的票(snowpatrol) 結果在超大的venue看感覺超奇怪 連臉都看不到 只看到人的outline 前兩個開場的 band 也還不錯 (Silver something & Ok Go). 感覺滿另類搖滾的 不過真的看到snow Patrol 感覺跟想像中不一樣 很多歌讓我想到Beck, 唱歌時英國腔並不重 可講話時就聽得出來 而且英式幽默還真的滿無厘頭的 而且他們還滿愛講髒話的 跟歌裡的多情細膩完全不一樣 有的歌真的是我聽過最悲傷的 像set fire to the third degree 還有 something about "please dont let us turn into something we're not....." and "it makes me want to cry knowing i won't see those eyes again...." and the famous " let's waste time chasing cars......" 讓我不禁猜想是那樣的女生可以引發他的靈感......must be something....:P 不過band 的男生真的滿吸引人的 可惜我不住在他們的世界.....:*(

2007年3月1日 星期四


這禮拜的忙碌的高潮終於在今天告一段落 昨天兄弟會募款的最後一天 幫忙賣了兩小時的食物 之後急忙趕去佈置晚上 另一個會場 說是說一個好機會認識已經在藥廠工作的藥劑師们 其實到最後擠得要死 還滿懷疑他们會記得我 只是想辦法哈拉到一堆business cards 而已.....實在不喜歡networking....覺得自己好油條......在一天的最後發現自己fail了一個期中考 看來在我自己drop out前 就會先被踢出去吧 !

今天是臨時報佛腳的另一天 明天大溪地舞要上場了 搖了一晚上的屁股 希望明天可以不要出糗 嬅還覺得我動作太小呢 (FYI: Tahitian Dance 有別於 Hula, 是屁股搖很快的那種).

這一切跟Switchfoot有何關係呢 答案是我剛發現了他們的一個 website 可讓你分享演唱會的footage 我大學看了他們好幾次 真可惜他們都結婚了......:P
