2009年8月23日 星期日

older man...

Is it so wrong for me to have a thing for an older man?? haha ok. i must say that after watching Galileo i've developed a super celebrity crush on 福山雅治. really talented as a musician and an actor. I must say that after the above music video in which he wrote and played his own song along with 柴崎幸 i was totally mesmorized. he's officially the only person who's broken my age bracket for liking someone (+5 and - 2 from my own age). haha, i normally dont condone may-december romance but i'd say 'hell yeah' in his case.

:) by the way this is a music video called Kiss Shitte by the band he formed with 柴崎幸 called KOH+. and he's FORTY years old.

1 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

福山雅治的確蠻酷的,不過我對該片中每次他開始瘋狂寫公式那段實在沒辦法接受:P 太誇張了啦~ 他跟柴琦幸是因為這個片子組團的嗎? 真有趣?

說到這個,我最近瘋狂聽的是Mr. Children的Hanabi. 太讚了,尤其看了歌詞更喜歡. 這是Code Blue的主題曲,你看過沒呢? 還不錯.