2009年1月29日 星期四

in the year of 2009..

another one of my close roommate is engaged.

i think that pretty much says it all.

In fact, i think i'm the ONLY person that i know amongst my roommates who do not have a 1)serious bf or 2) a fiance. And the funny thing is, i guess when you are NOT in a relationship with someone you can always see the problems clearly. but in the end, the joke is kind of on you when you're the last one standing to catch the bouquet.

In the very beginning when my freshman year roommate got with her bf, i was prolly the most surprised because she was so popular with guys and almost every single day she would get a bunch of invites for dinner, lunch, school functions...etc. and then she got with this guy, and they have such a turbulent relationship. Everytime they have a fight people have to get out of the room/apt because it sounded pretty scary. And he always managed to break something on his way out/during the fight (ie. glass to the fire hydrant, stuff toys...etc). things get thrown around and really nasty words were said. But at the end of the day, they stayed together. He was always such an a** around her gf (including me) that he just could not even false the least amount of civility when he met us. always seemed impatient. and one time even wrote an email to confront me because he though i mis-treated his gf (and anyone who knows me knows this shit is impossible). so we had a major fall out and never talked again. I in turn kind of drifted apart with my roommate because me and her bf just cannot exist under one roof.

But what do I know, their turbulent, on and off relationship, worked out in the end after 7 years of togetherness. In a way i'm happy for her because she's taking this big step in life with someone she likes (hopefully). and in a way of course i think she can always do better but who am i to say. and In a way i wonder if it's me who's been seeing everything too clearly that's why i'm unable to find someone to committ to a relationship with.

roommate #2: super duper cute girl who's also very smart who moved here in the middle of her Taipei First Girl High School years. We met while worked together in the cafeteria and she was also very sought after by the guys. so finally, in a sea of CS guys this one relentlessly pursued her and won her heart. And then it was like she would talk to us about her problems of him being insecure and always putting her down to make her feel unworthy. I'm guessing he's doing this because he's not all that great looking compared to her, and he has a HUGE ego and thinks he's pretty darn smart (as does most CS guys). So then she would complain, but would get over it...

Anyway, the story being, they are engaged to be married too. And one of these days i gotta go to the bridal shop with her to pick out a gown.

things in your life always make you wonder if you should just walk around and be with anyone you can be with at the moment. who cares about tomorrow or what happens in the future?
