2007年9月25日 星期二


How could they? I opened my mailbox today and I got a refund notice from Amazon...the seller no longer has the Nodame CD available!!! ><...And they tell me this now? I've been checking my front porch everyday since i ordered it. So now i have to find another seller to buy it from, but i really would rather not purchase it from Japan because 1)expensive and 2)takes too long might get lost.

Aside from that, continuing yesterday's list of things to do:

- Attending a concert. After watching the drama and realizing how fun it used to be when i used to go to the National Concert Hall in tw with my parents, I decided to look up classical concerts in/around LA. I found out that CalPhil actually is going to play Beethoven's Symphonie #7 at Walt Disney Concert Hall:


So I asked a couple friends and surprisingly they all wanted to go! i bought the cheapest tickets over the phone. According to the lady these are bench seats (with cushion and no armrest) in the orchestra view section. So that' realy a good deal for only $15 a piece! (as opposed to having to sit on the terrace facing either left/right of the conductor/orchestra). I'm excited that I'm actually going to see the conductor's face and not his butt for once. :P Although i'd much rather hear a Rachmaninoff piece but this isn't such a bad alternative either.
As for those of you who live in TW the guy who played Chiaki's maestro Viera is actually going to tw to perform Rachmaninoff's Concerto #2 on 12/3!!! I envy you guys! ><

- something i FINALLY got to do today: stopping by sephora. I 've been wanting to get Bare Mineral out of recommendation from my cousin B. She said this stuff is better for your skin and it makes you break out less. I got the little trial kit and let's cross our fingers that it works and doesn't look like a mask on me. *__<
