2007年9月23日 星期日

Home Sick and some thoughts

it's been 2 weeks since my family left for TW....and it didn't suck as much as before...although i am sort of here alone for about a month. But because i put off all the studying until they were gone i was able to focus on school and work and not think about that. School is busy, as usual, but at least i'm likeing the afternoon schedule better. I have class from 1-5p and then i go home to eat or whatever. And i can actually have a decent breakfast in the morning and make lunch before i leave. I am liking this lifestyle a lot...for sure. Although some days are crazier because i have work or organization meetings to go to before/after class, in general thing havent been as horrible as i had imagined. And i'm really bothered by the jacka**es in my class less now, simply by not caring. I now only focus on people i know and talk to on a daily basis, and if the rest of them are going to act like they are free to act however they want and i'm just not gonna give a rat's ass about it.

However, on a lighter note, i did make some plans for myself this semester that have improved my life a great deal. Well, first of all i realized that school is the only thing in my book right now. and since i already CAME BACK to school there's no reason to wonder about the what if's. Leaving is just not an option so that gets rid of a lot of my sleepless nights.

I've also decided to take up Piano lessons again. Not immediately because i have a externship obligation at school for 5 horrible weeks. I dont know with that and 4 midterms plus a final I'll be able to get any practice down at all. But i HAVE been practicing on my own a few of Schumann's Sonatas, Beethoven's Pathetique, and Chopin's Etudes. I'm starting to feel that by playing some everyday I have better control of my fingers. And I listen to the songs over and over again to note places where i should play differently, that helped too in terms of techniques. I have ordered the Nodame Cantabile collections CD which should come in the mail in a couple days.....>___<

heeh anyway that's it for now. need to get back to studying asap. But i do miss home. it's still 3 months until i can go back. :(

1 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

You sound much happier now. Happy for you:) I do think playing piano is a good way to relax. Keep playing~