2007年8月27日 星期一

mood fluctuation

So I just paid for the tuition today, and realized that I didn't buy tuition insurance this time. Does that mean I'm committing to this thing for sure? I hate it when I fall back to the depressed, self-guessing self. This THING should have been decided a long time ago. I dont know why i keep flip-flopping the whole time. Sometimes I think life is good the way it is, or that I should be content with the way it is, sometimes I just want to drop everything and run away. Is this normal or is it just my hormones talking? I just dont know what will keep me in school/work anymore. At this point i feel that I super need someone to be waiting at home for me when I come back. I feel that I super need my parents to be around, and that I super need to find the thing I want to do for the rest of my life and jsut shut up about it. Why am I feeling this way when everything is in place and yet it feels like i'm falling apart? Do I need to be on some kind of meds or somethign? I just can't describe the feelings I have. One minute I feel that 3 years is a pretty short time and one minute I can't sit in class another minute longer! It's interfering with my study and i feel that my mind is going to blow up. Today actually wasn't as bad as i had imagined. I was sitting with people who i met last year who are very cool. We chatted a lot and school actually seemed fun. I just don't know anymore.

1 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

我以前教書的時候,那些大一大二的學生也常跟我說他們不知道自己想做什麼? (其實老師自己又何嘗知道呢:P) 有的學生天天在想這個,不努力唸書,學期結束什麼都沒學會,就覺得機械系不是他們要的. 可是我想,如果沒有努力去做現在手邊的事情,又怎麼能知道這不是自己想要的呢?

唉唉... 應該很少人知道自己想要什麼吧? 有的人似乎知道,但是真的去做了又發現跟自己想的不一樣... 但是不去嘗試(而且要全力以赴唷)是永遠不會知道的唷!
