2010年6月1日 星期二

"Your K+ is normal. :-)"

"Yes please drink more fluids. And please let me see you in one month."


the last two messages I ever received from my cute doc. haha. yes pathetic I know. Well, basically i never could go back in one month because my student insurance Student Health coverage expired. I can either go to a clinic of my choice and pay the co-pay only, or go back to Student Health and pay $100+ to be seen for my skin irritation. So I made the choice and chose the former. AND because I am not crazy....i suppose i am rational enough to stay the hell away from people who i have a crush on. :( My sister was TRYING to convince me that he WANTS to see me therefore he said it that way in the message, and of course, being extremely rational and NORMAL, i feel otherwise.

So i ended up visiting this other practitioner in my area who i randomly found on the internet. He turned out to be this inpersonable old doctor who spent like 30 sec with you, didn't even shake my hand or even really tactilly inspect my 'dermatitis', didn't even use his precious hand to write prescriptions instead had a nurse do it for him while he dictated, and prescribed a bunch of overly priced, manufacture-coupon incented creams/lotions which you can probably get rather cheaply if you go with the GENERIC versions of them that would cost you $5/tube and not $40 with coupon. (the drug companies are smart enough to also use the coupons to track the prescribing habit of each practitioner so at the end of the either these docs can receive some kick-back or bonus for it). and so i could not pick up my prescription today as a result because these drugs are simply too new! they have to be ordered and will come in God-knows-when. Probably should have spent the extra money at student health to get my dermatitis checked out...at least visually it's far more pleasant.


So back to my hot doc: i do feel somewhat like a loser. he could be gay, could have a gf, could just be a really nice person and a good doctor in general. Although we did have a nice little chat last time I went in I feel that it probably happens with everyone. AND. i'm moving. AND, i know nothing about him (i know something, but not everything) so he could have some weird habit on the side (like hanging out at the strip bar)....

