可是得自己出席兩場婚禮加上一場baby shower :(
說我們太挑 還是眼睛不夠亮 手腳不夠快
2010年3月27日 星期六
a little update about the JOB situation (英)
Today I was cleaning out my room filled with piles of trash and I came across a bunch of stuff i used while i was busy looking for a fellowship: company brochures, scientific articles pertaining to a certain product they manufacture, associated recommendations relating to their product, LOTS of business cards, my resume binder...etc. For some reason i find this whole thing very oddly ironic. I dont mean it in the way that I am an extremely depressed **** because I have failed to locate a fellowship position. I think rather, it's the time i spent looking for a fellowship and still the results are like this.
I pretty much spent ALL of my Dec, January and february flying all over the country. It came so close to a breakdown point, but I felt that although tiring, i'd be rewarded with something at the end of all this. then it was the anticipation phase, where you come home after a trip to the east coast and expect to hear back and you dont --then the rejection over the phone/email. Then you pick yourself back up the following day and go to rotation.
I would say the whole cycle repeated around 6 times (i'm ONLY counting the ones i made it to an onsite interview. there were probably 9 more programs who i interviewed with in vegas). and in the end you felt numb. You aren't sure what went wrong there. Could i have a horrible CV compared to everyone else? Am I a bad interviewer that's why after so many face time i still come up behind? Is it because of my lack of industry experience? Is it because of my grades? Is it because I seemed tired during the interview due to the jet lag and wasn't as focused as i should have been? Is it because of the presentation I gave during the interview? Is it because I should have seemed super hyper and excited about the opportunity and I failed to show that? Is it because in my head I still have doubts about moving far, far away from home so my performance shows that? Is it because I am simply unfit to do pharmacy/fellowship and that other candidates are just more qualified?
I will never know.
All i know is that, when i got rejected by BMS AGAIN 3 weeks ago I felt nothing. Then yesterday I had to attend the mandatory graduation meeting and I had to embarrassingly repeat 3 times to different people how my future plan still remains unknown. Even my last hope (baxter) seem oddly out of reach now because while walking past a line of people getting their photos taken i overheard a conversation between two classmates about the girl getting the baxter position. And i thought they were still conducting 1st interviews! So someone already got it? and i'm left in the dark? I couldn't believe my boss could have done this to me. Because we had such a good relationship i almost didn't really have an actual interview there. They just chatted with me because they told me they already knew how i operate and how i work. and they loved my performance while i was there. I got pretty concerned after 2 weeks in taiwan and no response. I proceeded to send another email to her just to confirm that i did not miss a phone call. And then nothing. i sent another email to my other coworker to check, and still nothing. It's like my emails dropped out of the face of the earth.
So my fellowship search is officially coming to an end. and THAT is why I was super depressed while putting away the suitcase I used to travel domestically and the associated stuff. well, THAT and what i talked about in the previous post. and my super pessimism even in the presence of my taiwanese friends who came within 2 meters of me.
I can't help but feel like a little failure. mostly because i had really wanted a fellowship position because it's a sure fire entry to industry. And the fact the i also applied for residency positions and decided to withdraw from the match because i didn't like the program i interviewed with. then the other ones were filled quickly/decided not to respond to me due to the high volume of applicants (they said so in the email). so i officially have no 'back-up's now.
And I suppose that is why i felt little joy concerning the fact that I am graduating in 7 weeks. I could start emailing all of the companies like mad, just going down a list i pulled from the internet, or ----- go to my ultimate plan B. Which is happening a lot sooner than i thought.
Plan B: do Rx staffing work here and there until end of the year. Then go back to Taiwan to job hunt. Will probably stick with big pharmas. and study for GMAT at the same time. try to make new friends while i am there. if i work a couple years, and i still feel the urge to go business and do an mba and let it be so. if not, i'll just continue working. Plus, I would be able to meet more people I would potentially be willing to 'end up' with. instead of just growing older here in my scholarly world, meeting guys who i dont see a real potential with due to race/personality. year after year i feel that my frigid self in LA will end up a spinster. but that's for another post.
Ok. i should stop here.
I pretty much spent ALL of my Dec, January and february flying all over the country. It came so close to a breakdown point, but I felt that although tiring, i'd be rewarded with something at the end of all this. then it was the anticipation phase, where you come home after a trip to the east coast and expect to hear back and you dont --then the rejection over the phone/email. Then you pick yourself back up the following day and go to rotation.
I would say the whole cycle repeated around 6 times (i'm ONLY counting the ones i made it to an onsite interview. there were probably 9 more programs who i interviewed with in vegas). and in the end you felt numb. You aren't sure what went wrong there. Could i have a horrible CV compared to everyone else? Am I a bad interviewer that's why after so many face time i still come up behind? Is it because of my lack of industry experience? Is it because of my grades? Is it because I seemed tired during the interview due to the jet lag and wasn't as focused as i should have been? Is it because of the presentation I gave during the interview? Is it because I should have seemed super hyper and excited about the opportunity and I failed to show that? Is it because in my head I still have doubts about moving far, far away from home so my performance shows that? Is it because I am simply unfit to do pharmacy/fellowship and that other candidates are just more qualified?
I will never know.
All i know is that, when i got rejected by BMS AGAIN 3 weeks ago I felt nothing. Then yesterday I had to attend the mandatory graduation meeting and I had to embarrassingly repeat 3 times to different people how my future plan still remains unknown. Even my last hope (baxter) seem oddly out of reach now because while walking past a line of people getting their photos taken i overheard a conversation between two classmates about the girl getting the baxter position. And i thought they were still conducting 1st interviews! So someone already got it? and i'm left in the dark? I couldn't believe my boss could have done this to me. Because we had such a good relationship i almost didn't really have an actual interview there. They just chatted with me because they told me they already knew how i operate and how i work. and they loved my performance while i was there. I got pretty concerned after 2 weeks in taiwan and no response. I proceeded to send another email to her just to confirm that i did not miss a phone call. And then nothing. i sent another email to my other coworker to check, and still nothing. It's like my emails dropped out of the face of the earth.
So my fellowship search is officially coming to an end. and THAT is why I was super depressed while putting away the suitcase I used to travel domestically and the associated stuff. well, THAT and what i talked about in the previous post. and my super pessimism even in the presence of my taiwanese friends who came within 2 meters of me.
I can't help but feel like a little failure. mostly because i had really wanted a fellowship position because it's a sure fire entry to industry. And the fact the i also applied for residency positions and decided to withdraw from the match because i didn't like the program i interviewed with. then the other ones were filled quickly/decided not to respond to me due to the high volume of applicants (they said so in the email). so i officially have no 'back-up's now.
And I suppose that is why i felt little joy concerning the fact that I am graduating in 7 weeks. I could start emailing all of the companies like mad, just going down a list i pulled from the internet, or ----- go to my ultimate plan B. Which is happening a lot sooner than i thought.
Plan B: do Rx staffing work here and there until end of the year. Then go back to Taiwan to job hunt. Will probably stick with big pharmas. and study for GMAT at the same time. try to make new friends while i am there. if i work a couple years, and i still feel the urge to go business and do an mba and let it be so. if not, i'll just continue working. Plus, I would be able to meet more people I would potentially be willing to 'end up' with. instead of just growing older here in my scholarly world, meeting guys who i dont see a real potential with due to race/personality. year after year i feel that my frigid self in LA will end up a spinster. but that's for another post.
Ok. i should stop here.
2010年3月25日 星期四
我的青春 也不是沒傷痕
什麼特徵 人緣還是眼神
保持單身 忍不住又沉淪
人的一生 感情是旋轉門
有過競爭 有過犧牲
學會認真 學會忠誠
懂得永恆 得要我們
我的青春 有時還蠻單純
讀進化論 我贊成達爾文
我的替身 已換過多少輪
我的一生 有幾道旋轉門
有過競爭 有過犧牲
學會認真 學會忠誠
懂得永恆 得要我們
作詞:姚謙 作曲:Tanya Chua 演唱:蔡健雅
想念變成一條線 在時間裡面漫延 長得可以把世界切成了兩個面
他在春天那一邊 妳的秋天剛落葉 剛落葉
如果從此不見面 讓你憑記憶想念 本來這段愛情可以記得很完美
他的樣子已改變 有新伴侶的氣味 的氣味
那一瞬間 妳終於發現 那曾深愛過的人 嗯
早在告別的 那天 已消失在這個世界
也許那一次見面 是生命給妳機會 了解愛只是人所渴望的投射面
只是渴望會改變 他的愛已經不見 已不見
那一瞬間 妳終於發現 那曾深愛過的人 嗯
早在告別的 那天 已消失在這個世界
那一瞬間 妳終於發現 心中的愛和思念
都只是屬於 自己 曾經擁有過 曾經擁有過 曾經擁有過 的紀念
我離開的時候很小 那個年代email還不盛行
我離開了很多好的朋友 家人 和我的青梅竹馬
當時接到很多朋友的來信 包括他的
再見還來不及說 就結束了
之後 因為時間和空間的關係 我雖難過 但決定一個人
之後 是很長的不諒解
幾乎再也沒有見過面 網上的交談也少得可憐
十年之後 這次終於有機會攤開來聊了
我談了有關於我之前的交往 和工作
從我們的互動 我可以感覺到 以往的感覺已經不再
應該是說 what was once there isn't there anymore
我回到家 覺得難過 因為之前我們倆的好強和不信任感 把我們帶到這一天
我對他的記憶 一直停留在他女人緣很好 所以我們不停的折磨彼此
看過電影 Love me if you Dare 敢愛就來 嗎?
那麼喜歡彼此 卻從不說出口
在網上遇見他 告訴他我當初拒絕不是當好玩的
那是一個沒有skype, facebook, msn 的時代
我真的是有喜歡過 可是我做了當時我認為是對的決定
他之後的不聞不問 讓我很難過也很惆悵
我們現在 對彼此一無所知
回到這邊的家後 挖出當時的信來看
一封封好友寄來的信和傳真 都是不捨和加油打氣
我離開的事物 好多好多
讀到他當初的字句 想到今天 覺得一切都改變了
我的青春 也不是沒傷痕
什麼特徵 人緣還是眼神
保持單身 忍不住又沉淪
人的一生 感情是旋轉門
有過競爭 有過犧牲
學會認真 學會忠誠
懂得永恆 得要我們
我的青春 有時還蠻單純
讀進化論 我贊成達爾文
我的替身 已換過多少輪
我的一生 有幾道旋轉門
有過競爭 有過犧牲
學會認真 學會忠誠
懂得永恆 得要我們
作詞:姚謙 作曲:Tanya Chua 演唱:蔡健雅
想念變成一條線 在時間裡面漫延 長得可以把世界切成了兩個面
他在春天那一邊 妳的秋天剛落葉 剛落葉
如果從此不見面 讓你憑記憶想念 本來這段愛情可以記得很完美
他的樣子已改變 有新伴侶的氣味 的氣味
那一瞬間 妳終於發現 那曾深愛過的人 嗯
早在告別的 那天 已消失在這個世界
也許那一次見面 是生命給妳機會 了解愛只是人所渴望的投射面
只是渴望會改變 他的愛已經不見 已不見
那一瞬間 妳終於發現 那曾深愛過的人 嗯
早在告別的 那天 已消失在這個世界
那一瞬間 妳終於發現 心中的愛和思念
都只是屬於 自己 曾經擁有過 曾經擁有過 曾經擁有過 的紀念
我離開的時候很小 那個年代email還不盛行
我離開了很多好的朋友 家人 和我的青梅竹馬
當時接到很多朋友的來信 包括他的
再見還來不及說 就結束了
之後 因為時間和空間的關係 我雖難過 但決定一個人
之後 是很長的不諒解
幾乎再也沒有見過面 網上的交談也少得可憐
十年之後 這次終於有機會攤開來聊了
我談了有關於我之前的交往 和工作
從我們的互動 我可以感覺到 以往的感覺已經不再
應該是說 what was once there isn't there anymore
我回到家 覺得難過 因為之前我們倆的好強和不信任感 把我們帶到這一天
我對他的記憶 一直停留在他女人緣很好 所以我們不停的折磨彼此
看過電影 Love me if you Dare 敢愛就來 嗎?
那麼喜歡彼此 卻從不說出口
在網上遇見他 告訴他我當初拒絕不是當好玩的
那是一個沒有skype, facebook, msn 的時代
我真的是有喜歡過 可是我做了當時我認為是對的決定
他之後的不聞不問 讓我很難過也很惆悵
我們現在 對彼此一無所知
回到這邊的家後 挖出當時的信來看
一封封好友寄來的信和傳真 都是不捨和加油打氣
我離開的事物 好多好多
讀到他當初的字句 想到今天 覺得一切都改變了
2010年3月2日 星期二
cloud hanging over my head
Over the past couple of days I met up with my friends from back home as well as my 'date'. Both have gone pretty well. I really missed seeing my friends and now that everybody is working and is doing well it's very rare that we still keep in touch and still have such close relationship with each other. We ended up going to one of the really inexpensive pasta place in town and spent 5 hours there until closing time.
My date with my my mom's friend's son went okay. there was no real spark, but i didn't hate him either. Overall i got the feeling that he's just a little boy. Although we are the same age but he's just started getting his Ph.D. after his Masters. Although I think because he's getting his Ph.D. at a different school so he has to start from year 1 (which means he still has 3 years ahead of him), plus the one year of military service. In general i did get the vibe that his only interest is staying in and playing video games. He is getting his Ph.D. in electric engineering at NTU so he's definiiltey a smart guy. But socially he seems very shy. We just chatted and walked around the shopping areas of taipei. I have met lots of braniacs so we have lots to talk about relating to scholarly stuff. But generally i'm postive we only got the 'friend' vibe from each other so it ended well.
Last update, still haven't heard a word from the last two companies I interviewed with. Nada. One of them I'm pretty sure that the offer should have gone out last friday (i was told so), unless they were seriously snowed in or had no time to discuss their candidates at all, i'm not very optimistic about it. and the other one, where i did my rotation, still haven't heard back from my boss regarding 2nd interview. At this rate i'm trying to let myself down easy. having done a rotation there really doesn't mean much in today's job market. In fact, i'm not sure if anything means anything any more in today's job market. When it comes down to you vs. 8 people in the end. if you're not the last person standing you're not in the picture at all.
It saddens me a little that while I am really happy to be in the company of my close friends and family who hold me together during this time, I am not feeling that I will ultimately get into the field that i want. I dont know if i'm looking at more years of community or hospital pharmacy ahead of me or what. And the fact I am getting older doesn't help either. because i see all my friends in relationships it makes me feel handicapped to not be in one. another voice in my head tells me that if i am returning to taiwan in the end and i dont want to marry an old fart i should just come back now, using unemployment as a terrific excuse.
I also have somewhat realized (again) at how competitive/ambitious I am. I spoke to somenoe in my class who got into Astra Zeneca in Taiwan just recently, working in the clinical trial developement, and i had to say i was feeling a little jealous. back then (and always) he was my intellectual equivalent, and we happened to get into similar fields in college as well. To hear that he transitioned smoothly into one of the big companies and in a division i also like made me feel horrible. to top it off,he's not a bad looking guy either, and he happens to be single. my dad was all suggesting that I get with him (of course as a joke), and I think I was more concerned with the fact that I'm gettin rejected by my dream jobs and that this guy has something i want. Plus, he was dating some really cutsie girl with baby voice and a tiny frame in the past, THIS would never work out between me and him. It also reminded me of seeing these guys in suits once at the airport when i was traveling back from the interview. They were real cute guys and almost everyone was giving them a double take. I was the only other girl in the cabin in a full suit, and yet I was feeling sort of sad/jealous as well probably because these cute guys were already traveling for work, and yet i was TRYING to get a job that will allow me to be in their shoes. I'm really going mad i'm sure. this work thing is getting in the way of my appreciating guys who are good looking and successful. i really hope it's not step one of heading down spinster-ville.
ugh! about to head out to have some boba and shopping and cannot block this out of my head.
OK, no nore depressive thoughts. we shall find out about it all.
My date with my my mom's friend's son went okay. there was no real spark, but i didn't hate him either. Overall i got the feeling that he's just a little boy. Although we are the same age but he's just started getting his Ph.D. after his Masters. Although I think because he's getting his Ph.D. at a different school so he has to start from year 1 (which means he still has 3 years ahead of him), plus the one year of military service. In general i did get the vibe that his only interest is staying in and playing video games. He is getting his Ph.D. in electric engineering at NTU so he's definiiltey a smart guy. But socially he seems very shy. We just chatted and walked around the shopping areas of taipei. I have met lots of braniacs so we have lots to talk about relating to scholarly stuff. But generally i'm postive we only got the 'friend' vibe from each other so it ended well.
Last update, still haven't heard a word from the last two companies I interviewed with. Nada. One of them I'm pretty sure that the offer should have gone out last friday (i was told so), unless they were seriously snowed in or had no time to discuss their candidates at all, i'm not very optimistic about it. and the other one, where i did my rotation, still haven't heard back from my boss regarding 2nd interview. At this rate i'm trying to let myself down easy. having done a rotation there really doesn't mean much in today's job market. In fact, i'm not sure if anything means anything any more in today's job market. When it comes down to you vs. 8 people in the end. if you're not the last person standing you're not in the picture at all.
It saddens me a little that while I am really happy to be in the company of my close friends and family who hold me together during this time, I am not feeling that I will ultimately get into the field that i want. I dont know if i'm looking at more years of community or hospital pharmacy ahead of me or what. And the fact I am getting older doesn't help either. because i see all my friends in relationships it makes me feel handicapped to not be in one. another voice in my head tells me that if i am returning to taiwan in the end and i dont want to marry an old fart i should just come back now, using unemployment as a terrific excuse.
I also have somewhat realized (again) at how competitive/ambitious I am. I spoke to somenoe in my class who got into Astra Zeneca in Taiwan just recently, working in the clinical trial developement, and i had to say i was feeling a little jealous. back then (and always) he was my intellectual equivalent, and we happened to get into similar fields in college as well. To hear that he transitioned smoothly into one of the big companies and in a division i also like made me feel horrible. to top it off,he's not a bad looking guy either, and he happens to be single. my dad was all suggesting that I get with him (of course as a joke), and I think I was more concerned with the fact that I'm gettin rejected by my dream jobs and that this guy has something i want. Plus, he was dating some really cutsie girl with baby voice and a tiny frame in the past, THIS would never work out between me and him. It also reminded me of seeing these guys in suits once at the airport when i was traveling back from the interview. They were real cute guys and almost everyone was giving them a double take. I was the only other girl in the cabin in a full suit, and yet I was feeling sort of sad/jealous as well probably because these cute guys were already traveling for work, and yet i was TRYING to get a job that will allow me to be in their shoes. I'm really going mad i'm sure. this work thing is getting in the way of my appreciating guys who are good looking and successful. i really hope it's not step one of heading down spinster-ville.
ugh! about to head out to have some boba and shopping and cannot block this out of my head.
OK, no nore depressive thoughts. we shall find out about it all.
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