2009年8月23日 星期日

older man...

Is it so wrong for me to have a thing for an older man?? haha ok. i must say that after watching Galileo i've developed a super celebrity crush on 福山雅治. really talented as a musician and an actor. I must say that after the above music video in which he wrote and played his own song along with 柴崎幸 i was totally mesmorized. he's officially the only person who's broken my age bracket for liking someone (+5 and - 2 from my own age). haha, i normally dont condone may-december romance but i'd say 'hell yeah' in his case.

:) by the way this is a music video called Kiss Shitte by the band he formed with 柴崎幸 called KOH+. and he's FORTY years old.

2009年8月21日 星期五

lotsa things....

Lotsa things happened today..

- stopped by old work place to turn in paper work for my intern hour sign-off: haven't seen my boss et al. for a while (more like 2 years, intentionally). surprised that everyone still recognized me (didn't want them to). had a nice civil interaction with all esp. with boss. will probably pick up hour sheet on monday. glad things went well. have been dreading about it forever since things didn't exactly end on a good note when i left.

- sent sis off to school dorm: felt slightly sentimental and worried. although didn't always get along with her but still worried about her new life and her somewhat scary driving skill in downtown LA. know that she will probably be fine but do miss her a little since she is the youngest and i tend to take care of her a lot.

- finally joined the iphone clan: have been wanting it forever. but my phone wasn't exactly broken and worked fine. whatever suckiness i had to deal with i've somehow grown used to it. i chose the last generation which cost $100 less. I mean, i really dont think another 8GB makes that big a difference, esp. when i dont get to use it! honestly, what can i possibly fit in my phone to fill up that 16GB space? i'd rather put that money where i need it-- a camera that takes nice pictures. my Stylus from Olympus definitely has to be replaced since it doesn't take pictures in day OR night. if i dont use flash nothing gets captured. anyway...good to have an iphone. i can do lots with it. :)
- met up with a friend for some okonomyaki and taiyaki. not as good as what one'd get in tw but i enjoyed the chat so much more. hmm old friends. <3
- oh, and the day before yesterday. i finally tried out Roy's (this hawaiian fusion restaurant) summer prix-fixed menu with my friend who i did HI rotation with. conclusion: the sirloin, over-cooked and tough; appetizer, pretty yummy shrimp spring roll; chocolate molten cake with ice cream, delicious; service: the waiter couldn't stop staring at my friend like he's never seen a woman before, even when he was explaining my entrees to me. but she tends to have this effect on men as i've witnessed about 100x while out with her. so i guess i can't really blame his hormone-driven rxn.
ahh! and a flying cricket just nearly attacked me. help!

2009年8月20日 星期四

where in the world...

where in the world....
Yesterday i didn't feel like studying after a long day..so i decided to research on some of the residency programs for next year. Of course i realize with my grades things are not looking up. but i want to at least keep my options open.

so here are the states i'm the most interested in: CA (only in SD or SF), NY (NYC), MA(Boston), HI (Honolulu), IL (chicago)

here are my second tiers: WA (seattle), MD (Baltimore), TX (?)

it's pretty hilarious seeing how most people apply for only 5 programs or less, and the states i've listed already exceed the average. I'm sure in the end i will weed out the not-so-good ones so i won't sound ridiculous when i ask for rec letters. i would say in 90% of these cities i know not a single soul. So that by itself is a pretty big issue too. of course i can make new friends but judging from my hawaii experience that can be a little problematic with a residency program. the 2 residents i knew there #1 is from hawaii and #2 has his famliy there with him. Most pharmacy programs take only 2 residents and they work them HARD like they shouldn't even think about having a life at all. So forget about joining the local gym and meeting people there. you live and breathe pharmacy for the whole year (which in turn will make you really boring for anyone to hit on at a coffeeshop).

So where do i want to be? where do i see myself in one year? what do i want to get out of the experience? will i make any connections there? or if i like it too much will i end up staying and not coming back to CA? is it worth it if i want to eventually transition into industry? do i want to end up in industry?

here are my extremely superficial reasons for each of my choices:
NYC, Boston, Baltimore: just cuz i want to get east coast out of my system and because i hate dealing with LA traffic.

SD/SF: because I really liked these two cities in CA and have always wanted to go back

for a while i actually started thinking about the military programs because the bonuses are just too good to pass up. but as i got more serious about it, my parents have also become more firm about not wanting me to join or even speak to a recruiter about it (after i signed up for the information packet and whatnot). after finding out the committment (4 years including residency) i also have somewhat changed my mind. since i can't be sure if hospital is the thing for me and i have lots of decisions to make in the next 2 years, military probably isn't the best choice right now.

so anyway, not much progress being made here. if i get asked where i see myself in 5 years? i honestly dont have a clue.