2009年2月15日 星期日


yes....Valentine's day has come and gone. As one blogger eloquently puts it, it's like the Superbowl for all daters. The restaurants come out with couple's menu that burns a hole in your pocket, and the chocolates and balloons everywhere....

I realize the approaching of Valentine's day probably during the month of January every year, reason being, at the pharmacy i work at, as soon as Halloween is over, Xmas is celebrated, and as soon as New year's is over it's all about Valentine's day. and I'm not actually bitter about it at all. I enjoy all the cutesy merchandise they put on the shelf. I just have to wait until the day AFTER valentine's day to get them while they are on sale. It's definitely one of the pluses of being single on Vday because you can always get the gifts for yourself after not before. :P

so how did i spend MY valentine's day? Well, actually in a company of my best friend who also happens to be single. Neither of us was really in the mood to go out and party our asses off (because i'm simply too old for that stuff, and standing in line ANYWHERE on valentine's day sans a bf just seems a bit desperate. I'm sure sleazeballs in bars everywhere in the US will use that vulnerability to their advantage), and I am simply not anti-valentine's either (we need more love in this world for sure). So we just had a pig-out, chick-flick marathon type of night. Which i have no objection to, either.

so we met up and had this delicious dinner at the Curry House on Sawtelle, and I ordered this incredible Katsu with curry in a stone pot. and post dinner we stopped for some frozen yogurt and Pudding Milk Tea. then we watched some parts of Sleepless in Seattle and then the entire What Happens in Vegas before we called it a night. Lots of fun and lots of girl chats. And for some reason, I realized at the end of the day that it was actually a pretty great vday after all. I know I self-pity in my blog a lot about my single status. But truthfully, since i have no expectation whatsoever pertaining to vday and how it's going to go down, I can just hang out with my best friend and catch up on things. She might be gone next year for grad school, so who knows how long this can last? :)
