2008年11月26日 星期三

If there is nothing else you want to see in the musical theater......

*back post*

review for Spring Awakening--


I've been wanting to blog about this for some time now, but ever since i spent that only free weekend (with no exam whatsoever) hanging out and doing nothing i haven't had a chance.

Spring Awakening is this new genre of musical theater, written by Duncan Shiek (remember Barely Breathing..ohhhh my knees go soft). the songs throughout are awesome, and very catchy, and the story line brought me to tears. It was about teenage angst and sexuality, and i think it's great for all ages. Mind you, some mind be offended by the crass language "Bitch of living", "Fucked" ....and lots and lots of sexual innuendos. but I think it's not appropriate. It's definitely different, i give you that. As a person who LOVES classical everything especially in the world of musical this has gotta be one of my newest obsession. I still like all the Andrew Lloyd Webber's stuff and Sound of Music and whatnot, but this is a breath of fresh air. My favorite numbers, being "Mama who Bore me" "I believe". The cast is energetic and fun, and when the story turns sorrowful i cried a few tears as well. Oh how it's like to be in love for the first time in your life. Surprisingly it's a adoptation from a 18th/19th century German novel (or something like that). I'm not surprised since there seems to be soo much suppression in the culture. It's interesting because if you think about it, lots of theater is about that era in the history: "sound of music" "Cabaret", "Spring Awakening"....

some highlights:

Mama who Bore me

I believe:

The Word of your Body:

Left Behind (yes, i think Kyle Riabko is awesome with this song)

2008年11月22日 星期六

Robert Pattinson

Yes i'm too old to be having a celebrity crush...i know. but i will need to stare at SOMEONE's face until i get over the doctor, right? (that's my excuse and i'm sticking with it right now.....)

British boys are exponentially cooler...in a very, self-deprecating way.

A collection of quotes ....

If a person isn't comfortable being single at some point in life than they don't truly know their possibilities in life.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-- Robert Frost

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." - Helen Keller

You must make choices, and sometimes, mistakes. To come close to your path, choose with your heart or your desires.

2008年11月21日 星期五

how not to feel like a loser....

I wouldn't know the answer to that. because there are days when i feel completely ok and happy about my relationship status and there are days when i dont. and two things make me feel like a loser today..

I'm contemplating about returning this dress to Express. It's a lovely dress i got about 2 weeks ago, and have yet decided whether I should return it or not. It's made of this beautiful, beautiful lacey material, not the cheap kind. So soft to the touch and is just a all around cute tube dress. When i tried it on i fell in love with it. I like how i look when i'm wearing it. and i can see how it's going to be appropriate for so many cocktail parties. It was just the thing i was looking for, a beautiful, lacey, tiered black dress. and the discounted price was such a deal.

But when it was actually bought and paid for, reality kicked in. When am i REALLY going to wear it? I dont have a date! i haven't been on any date for like, the past EIGHT years. most part of my adult life i've spent being a single person. i dont even remember what it feels like to be on dates anymore. and it's SUCH a date dress. not too revealing, just lovely. The last time i went out with someone, i was so young that no one was really dressing up at that age. we just wore our jeans, no make up, to the nearest burger joint. Neither I nor my ex could afford a nice dinner other than Johnny Rockets. and we SHARED a burger. so in theory, i don't actually know what people do on dates. do you wear that little black dress and wait to be picked up? do you twist your hair and giggle when your date speaks? do you give him a peck on the cheek at the end of the day? how do you make sure that there's a "next" date? i have no idea.

I'm so out of touch with the reality for so long. I envy my girlfriends when they talk about their adventures with guys. I never have that freedom. there are restaurants that are termed as DATE restaurants that i've never been, and there are things like carriage rides on a cold day or a stroll on the beach at night that i never get to do with a date. i feel so deprived.

so that dress has been sitting in its original bag, in its original condition, with tag still attached, because i'm thinking about returning it. I can always use that extra money to get other things i want. Although it really is a good deal for the quality and the cut of the dress. but when am i ever going to wear it? I can't just buy something so i can have it 'on reserve' for dates that may not happen in the next 5 years. by then this beautiful dress will have lost its luster and sit lonely in my closet for years.

the second thing i'm going to get at, is that my only recent crush (from a year ago) has now become something of a past now. because i choose to let it be. It's sad enough to be a 25 year old who still has random crushes on people. and for a crush to last that long, it's REALLY sad. And I'm saying this because I have no real illness i need to get back to the clinic asap, and i'm sane enough to know not to stalk people. I know better to not take it too seriously because like i stated a year ago, it's not professional to fall for someone such as your doc, and it's probably just psychology playing with your head that you think there is something there when there really isn't.

As it turns out, the resident who i saw last year for my abscess on the leg has become a full time doc at student health (he's transferred). so about 3/4 my class has seen him, and girls are going WILD about this doctor who is super nice, good-looking, and down to earth. i'm just hearing praises from left and right about this doctor, and hie personal information because apparently people have been having little chats with him (another thing i'm bad at, around people i like). so i've actually known a lot more about him now than i did before (he's from SD, he went to UCSD...). and the girls were just getting super shy about getting a pap smear from him because he's too cute.

Well, i dont like competitions, and i dont like liking the same person as the rest of the world. it always makes me feel like i am this little grain of sand trying to stand out (dont worry i think i'm perfectly fine), i just always picture my relationship as this one man one woman kind of deal. sort of like Darcy and Elizabeth. there should be no one else. and not like the dating show The Bachelor, where i have to technically show a nipple to get someone's attention.

and because i'm so passive in love, i should return the little black dress which i love so dearly. because i think someone should wear it, and someone should. It's going to be a lot happier being flaunted by its wearer in sexy, romantic restaurants, being complimented on its texture, than sitting in my closet.

2008年11月10日 星期一

It's only monday and i'm stressed already...

Well, i'm guessing it's because working both days of the weekend really sucked. especially when you have a midterm on tuesday. and i have been having one test/week for about 2 months now. so my stress hormone is shooting through the roof. a little recap of my day yesterday:

- pharmacy terribly understaffed, yes, there was only me and my boss. TWO PEOPLE. and she didn't have to ring people up. so i was running back and forth, and i did not pee/step out of the pharmacy for 7 hr. didn't sit down at all, the whole time, working.

- being yelled at by extremely obnoxious bitc*y customers. and yes, i sort of yelled back too. please think twice before you try to yell at me, because when a girl doesn't take her lunch break after 7 hrs of working, you DO NOT want to give her the attitude. i am perhaps the most pleasant person you can encounter at the pharmacy who's willing to help, so if you break THIS last straw, i will make sure you know it.

- being yelled at by MY BOSS. because i started making mistakes, in my hypoglycemic state, after not sitting down for so long and not even taking a break. and it's against the law too, not giving me a lunch a break. i had to finally ask for it so i could go get my lunch at 430 PM!!

- my point being, it sometimes seems ridiculous that i am getting a professional, graduate, doctorate degree. but i'm treated/holding a job feeling worse than a food service worker in the food court at a mall (and i can say this because i've worked cafeteria, and yes, they do get treated better. you get to take your 15 min break for every 3.5 hr of shift and you get your lunch on the house. i can't get jack from the pharmacy, not even a chair to sit on).

- my boss, who often works through her lunch break, or if she does take her lunch, she eats crap (like crackers in the back. and she's not the only person who does it). i'm sorry to say this, but for heaven's sake, have some respect for yourself! have a higher quality of life! i dont care if you chose retail so that you can be close to home and take care of your family, or because the salary is good, or whatever reason. a job is a job is a job. everyone needs a 1 hr break at least, sitting down, and a decent meal. this is why they created labor laws in the first place, so we are not all working like illegal immigrants (this is a metaphor of speech), being stripped away our rights as human beings.

So on the way home, in extreme frustration, i heard this song:

it's is a little piece by Maurice Ravel called Gaspard de la Nuit. then my spirit was lifted. not a whole lot, but lifted.

of course at times like this i think about how i should just go out and marry the next man or whatever i see who expresses the least interest in me. and not having to support myself ever. and not having to worry about how i still have to exceed professionally after i graduate and make my way to the top of a respectable pharma company. i think about the church bells in europe and sadly, i can't picture a face (any face) in my life right now who is remotely likely to propose to me. i hate to sound like golddiggers who think that marriage is the easy way out, but sometimes, you get really tired, from life.