2010年1月17日 星期日

What to do

Yes...it is a known fact that I can't update my blog when under extreme stress/worries.

A few words since my last update. I have received calls. I have flown over and returned from the east coast from interviews with two companies I applied for. I spent 2 whole days interviewing with them (from 830 to 330) and flying back and forth and I was so tired and drained from the trip to the east coast (and the fact that I have to make up the days I missed from rotation).

Anyway, I am right on the brink of everything. I am trying to write thank you cards to the people I interviewed with. But I am completely getting cold feet. Am I ready to move? More and more i'm flip flopping everyday about the decision. I am all of a sudden having this great fear from being on the other side of the country and away from all my family. I know no one on that side of the continent and no family at all. This typically did not bother me. but all of a sudden it's so debilitating. I feel that I am getting myself into it more by investing so much time into it. I am putting on a happy face while a part of me is getting really, really tired of being so far away from my family and people who i care for and love. I dont know if i am into the being alone in a small town (not nyc) just so i can get experiences to come home. I want to be surrounded by people who can give me a boost in morale when I am down after work, and not over Skype or the phone.

I think i am just really, really homesick and really scared to move far far away from everyone I know. like the big move i made when I was 15 to the US. I guess old memories dont die easy.

2010年1月3日 星期日

last day for me to do absolutely nothing

EEEK! today is the last day of my winter break. ARGHH! Can't believe that 2 weeks flew by just like that. although i have to say that it feels like much longer because I was able to squeeze in some really quality time to rest and travel and do nothing, but still, the thought that tomorrow at this time I will be whining through my way through the next rotation is just kind of annoying. particularly because it's a hard one. particularly because I have it on campus with a smartie from my class, particularly because it's oncology which i remember nothing about. ok time to stop stressing!

So I'm lying in my bed and organizing the pictures. I decided that I will give a mini summary of my xmas break in a nutshell:

San Diego- accomplished a lot. went to the Sharp Hospital Open House (for business), and Old Town, Hillcrest, Downtown San Diego (for fun). We tried this new moroccan restaurant that was super yummy. the beef/shrim/tuna kebab was out of this world! and we FINALLY made it in the doors of Sushi Deli. I've waited in line to try this place at least 3 times in my life and i never got close to within 15 min of being seated. If you ever have a chance to go to San Diego you'd see it's outrageous how many people waste their time standing in the cold for the sushi here. BUT, since i never got to try throughout college, i decided to give it ago. and luckily we weren't that far down the list so we actually got in this time. Yes, it's reasonably price, no, the sushi quality is no where as good as what you can find in LA or OC. It's purely for the non-asian tastebuds or those who are on a tight budget. But if you ask me, you can spend the same amt of money in LA and get much better quality. You'd be better off walk around Gaslamp and find a good italian/steakhouse/Indian there, in my opinion. At the end of the day on our way back we stopped by Taiko (a authentic japanese place in Irvine). LOTS of food and tastes great. I can't believe i only paid that much for the quality of sashimi i got.

SF -

We went to SF for Xmas. The first night we got to spend xmas dinner on our own (me and my sis) and we went to an Indian buffet. all you can eat Indian food (plus the yummiest milk tea) for $12. It's at this place called Naan 'n' Curry. I thought that was a petty memorable xmas dinner considering the fact that we didn't go to a regular restaurant and spend $50 on finger food. I absolutely loved their curry (and milk tea) there. Over the next couple days, we also stopped by a friend's xmas party, Ferry Building (SUPER FUN almost reminds me of Quincy Market in Boston), Sausalito (cold and not that spectacular compared to SD), and more Union Square (love love love), some Jewish diner, and Shabu shabu. think I listed them all.


Yes, i had some very tasty brazilian bbq! I've heard of Fogo de Chao for quite some time now but never tried. the rumor is true. it is Y.U.M.M.Y. all of the beef items were juicy and nicely marinated, the salad bar was above-average, and the never ending mash potato and fried plantains were also very delicious. My only complaint is that the Caparihna was on the pricey side and was wayy too strong. but the service was courteous and it didn't hurt that all the waiters were eye candies with an accent. ;) 4 stars! We then walked to Tanzore a close-by indian restaurant/lounge for the countdown.

It was a nice alternative because we were cutting pretty close to midnight and didnt' feel like traveling too far. we ended up having some Rose Champagne for the countdown. a very interesting experience.

Rest of the days -

were pretty uneventful. My sis was sick as hell so she couldn't' do much. But i did end up going to dinner with a friend at a indian restaurant in the area and shopped some more for deeply discounted stuff. I got pants for $10 and $15..isn't it crazy? You can't even get pants that cheap in Asia. :)

Alritey. gonna prolly sleep the rest of my day off. It's pretty sunny out and i can't believe my break is over! Wahhhhhh!

2010年1月1日 星期五

Is it ok to not have new year's resolution this year?

So I decided that this year I will not make any New Year's Resolution I cannot keep. I thought about making new ones, but it would be unrealistic of me to swear off these following things:

1) work out at least 3 times a week: seeing how i am sitting on the couch right in front of a perfectly functioning treadmill, while drinking my first boba of the year, this is most likely not going to happen. The house is cold, and I kind of dont feel like breaking a sweat. True, I probably gained a few pounds over the holidays and can probably get more definition in my arms, but c'mon, it's cold out, and I will be wearing long sleeves for the rest of the winter. I will work out when I feel like it, or eat salad when the temperature is at least over 60 degrees. It's really not like I'll be slipping in a tube dress anytime soon, so let's just be comfortable and forget about the workout.

2) Write only positive thoughts in my blog: ok, this of all things, probably will not last past 3 days. Probably because if i promise anything now, when the interviews roll around or when major decisions have to be made about whether to move or not, I will be full of complaints/doubts. and yes, this is a somewhat crucial year and I really dont want to give myself a hard time for writing about my doubts and negative feelings. It may be somewhat unpleasant to read, but I need to vent somehwere. and what better place than on your blog (than in the face of your co-worker, boss, friends, strangers...). I CAN however write more about pleasant things/trips in my life. that much i can promise. ;)

3) Be more positive about my love life (or lack thereof): well, this is something that is totally out of my control so why sweat about it.

These are some of the more major areas of life I can think of. But I really think I want to just take it easy this year and not worry about coming up with new year's resultions and feeling crappy about not keeping them 3 days after I make them.

Happy New Year Everyone! <3