2007年7月22日 星期日


基於現在是深夜不好用太久電腦 我就先描述一下我的菜單吧:






同學會summer 2007

今年的同學會在十一人熱情出席下圓滿的落幕了 玩了一整天回到家都腿軟 在創下紀錄的高溫下我們先去了義大利餐 玩了一整天回到家都腿軟 在創下紀錄的高溫下我們先去了義大利餐廳古拉爵吃中飯 二十幾道真的都很美味道地ㄝ 價錢也公道 離家裡五分鐘的地方就有分店 真的一定要再回去捧 價錢也公道 離家裡五分鐘的地方就有分店 真的一定要在回去捧場一下
大家吃吃喝喝聊聊 時間一下就過了 真的是每半年見一次面 話都說不完 吃後要續攤 跑去誠品吹了一下冷氣 就去吃鴉片粉圓 真的是還不錯吃 可是我還是對家附近的豆漿家豆花情有獨鍾
吃完去好樂迪唱了兩小時的歌 又是在ktv理大吃大喝的 低銷還真的是滿貴的ㄝ 部過我挑戰了幾手沒唱過的歌 背叛 和mr. Q偷很好唱喔 反映不錯

唱完又和伊些同學會面 去了台北車站的 古典玫瑰園 點了一壺好喝的水果茶 之後他們還要通霄續攤 只可惜我家管嚴無法相伴

在台灣的一群好朋友我愛你們 <3 <3 每次回去都超捨不得的:*( 真的希望能永遠維持友誼下去 大家都不要變喔!!;)

謝謝你們每次載我回家 超溫馨:D!!

2007年7月19日 星期四


Was planning to update my blog almost everyday this summer since I have nothing ambitious planned, but It's looking like I only updated twice since I returned from Europe and most of them COMPLAINTS!! I'm hoping to update everything in Chinese for it to be easy for my parents to read but no didn't happen either...because I would still be at the first 字 if i wasn't typing in english right now. :(

Anyway so what are the things I'm busy doing? well....

1. studying for GMAT (in case i do decid to do business after this...but THIS is taking another 3 years so I am really not feeling all that motivated right now. but i'd rather take it and get it over with and not when i've forgotten all of my math).

2. Practicing piano. Inspired by J I've decided to return to piano and drift away from the Sonatina's i've been playing over the years. Chopin and Debussy just sound so much better, and even though i'm breaking my fingers trying to play these songs I am determined to play them and play them well.

3. Listening to at least language podcast a day. After visiting so many places i realized that knowing only English and Chinese is not nearly enough. So i'm going to start on French, Italian, German..in that order (and IF i can really get that many down).

4. Watching Japanese dramas...Okay this is not exactly a chore but this is something I've enjoyed much every summer. So I'm setting aside about 2 hours everyday to catch up with the latest 流星花園 她的秘密花園 交響情人夢.

5. Finishing reading extracurricular books, esp. those having to do with financial/investment in's and out's. So far i've done 90% of Freakonomics and 0% of Rich Dad Poor Dad and 0% of The World is Flat. Meaning I still have a long way to go.

6. Reconnecting with old friends. I never realized how much I missed them until I actually saw them. I'm hoping to see them a couple more times until I leave.

Btw, I'm trying to not think about work as that gives me immediate stress. It's making me break out already...even thought I still have a week to go. :( where did my vacation go?