2009年4月24日 星期五

bridesmaid dresses and more...

Today is a somewhat productive day, i guess. i woke up to go to The Grove in LA to meet up with my roommate from college because she wants to buy our bridesmaids dresses there. We met up around noon, and mostly we helped her decide on her gown. It was a really odd experience since in my mind i still feel like we are so young, and that i had just met her 8 years ago, we are now both 25 and she's already trying out dresses. the onlly downside is that when i got home, i realized that some douchebag hit my car while trying to park so now on top of all the unidentified dents i have a huge new addition.

then the LA traffice took me 1.5 hr to get home, of course, i was road raging a little bit. I can't possibly understand the draw of LA. I mean, other than the fact that if you're an actor/actress/musician trying to hit it big in this town i can't possibly see why anyone would want to spend 1/3 of their life stuck in traffic. and it's not even like you have much to do in your car besides playing with your radio station dial.

Then i suppose the big news, on top of everything else, is that i got the summer rotation in Hawaii --which means, i have only 3 weeks to find housing and physically move myself from here to Honolulu to start my medicine rotation. I have begun my search on craigslist and it looks like i have a few leads. hopefully everything will work out, hopefully.

1 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

Hawaii!! Yeah~ Sounds great. I hope you do have time to get out though:)

p.s. How do you like your bridesmaid dress?