2008年12月5日 星期五

Surviving, singleness, holidays.....

*this is in response to a recent incident happened to us*

so if you're single, apparently you can't be left alone.

when some guy who lives 2000 miles away suddenly becomes available you have to make time to go sit and have dinner with him. then your enthusiastic certain relative suddenly finds out that he's not planning to settle down at least for a couple years, and he's not interested in, tw girls.

and then this other 40 year old guy who ALSO lives 2000 miles away becomes available and you are again forced to make dinner plans with him to see if you're a good fit. yes, FLYING to go meet this mysterious someone who is approved by your other relatives enthusiastic to hook you up.

and people tell you left and right that once you cross the big 2-5- or 3-0- you're no longer desirable so if there's someone who wants to marry you better act FAST, even if you risk looking desperate or like that fat kid in gym class who no one picks to be on their team.

you ask: is it worth it? am i THAT hideous? is my life turning into that of the Bennet sisters in Pride and Prejudice, where in your relatives/parents eyes, ANY GUY is a potential and GOD FORBID if you refuse, you will die, lonely, and single, and hold a candle to yourself every christmas for years to come.

IS IT WORTH IT? Heck no! It hasn't happen to me yet and i surely hope it wont. but it's happened to someone who i won't name. but i'm sure pretty soon, that will be my story to tell. whatever happened to free love? whatever happened to fate? whatever happened to "meet cute"? apparently in our case right now it doesn't exist. For me it's FAR from existing. it's true i dont have a valid argument against the enthusiastic relatives/parents of mine that MY SYSTEM is working, because apparently, IT DOESNT. that would explain why i am hanging with mostly girls and sitting home on V-day. but i dont need anyone to remind me that fact that my singlness seems miserable. i know it's an eyesore because it's like skin cancer, i feel it too. but it's definitley not a disability. I constantly have to remind myself that i am only 25, and that my life is not over yet. but people and the world around you can make you feel so old and so hopeless. I definitely did not grow up thinking i'm going to eventually marry a 40 old in my 20s who i dont find physically attractive.

Can't i just have a little hope for true love still?

p.s. if we find your friend attractive (physically or mentally), we'll ask. but if you wouldn't want to date him in your earlier days, neither do we.

*sorry about the visible frustration in the post, i'm studying for finals, and things like these are never pleasant to deal with*
