2008年6月15日 星期日

a weird party and some sunshine on the beach

After i worked my butt off this week (imagine working for 33 hrs ON YOUR FEET, with shifts that run from 1-10pm and the following day 9-6pm for 3 consecutive days), i realized that i get to have sunday off! So i decided to give myself a fun, relaxing weekend, and thus accepted an invitation from my sister to attend his friend's friend's farewell party.

Complete weirdness can't even begin to describe the vibe of the party. It was thrown by these Argentinian guys, for one of them is going away to Spain for good (oddly, most non-american people never seem to worry about where their next paycheck is coming from, they just take off--- to whatever country they desire, and they all seem to have family/friends all over the world. More power to them, i guess. i mean, i'm pretty darn sure that when i'm 30 i can't live a lifestyle as carefree as theirs). And according to this curly hair green-eyed Argentinian he's just gonna sit around on the beautiful beach of Spain with his friends.

So then the party was filled with a lot of non-americans, which is fine by me. you can pretty much tell by the way they dress and the way they look, very bohemian and colors everywhere. and they all seem pretty hyper or high on something. then some of their american friends showed up, and they too, seem very hyper for no reason. So i'm guessing this is how artsy people's parties are like. just a lot of randomness, here's a few:

- hula hoops. two of them. and these 30 something grown ups are using the hula hoops to their max. shake that thang...
- Trance/techno music + disco ball. you almost feel like you're in a european club. and then you see the guys/girls dance to trance...it's like a rave (and luckily i never got into those). i tried to force myself to dance (or flail my arms aimplessly in the air to the music) but i just gave up. not that hip-hop is more my thing but at least it's not as fast-paced as trance. and all the while my sister's friend kept telling me to let go/relax...i'm guessing it'll take me indefinite shots of vodka or indefinite joints of pot to achieve that effect.
- people doing cirque du soleil stuff: two girls just randomly started doing gymnastic activities by lifting each other on their knees/butts and balance in the air. i was like wtf.....
- the said two girls proceeded to take off their clothes and got into the hot tub. completely butt naked. they were floating on water with their boobs sticking out. then one guy joined them. yucky.
- people playing fire: some guy and some girl actually started doing tricks by swinging fireballs and twirl a stick that's lit with fire on both ends. wow. i'm really in hawaii watching a show.

So i was pretty much in awe the whole time, while feeling like a complete outsider. this had to be the weirdest social function i've ever attended. no prospect for future husband material, everyone was a free spirit. and the guys still behaved like horndogs. i'm really translating all the "i'd like to get to know you better" to what it really means : i'd like to f u.


Then sunday i woke up and met with my friends from school for brunch in venice beach. it was at The Rose caffe & Market. it was quite a bohemian place too, a restaurant inside a gallery. i had some delicious omelette and bread, and we had some really good laughs. afterwards we headed to the beach. the water was FREEZING! but we all braved the temperature and got in after about 30 min (we are such chickens). we tried to boogie board a little, was very fun indeed. then we headed back to the sand and just lay out and chatted.

The day ended with me on my way back to home, almost got into an accident. apparently i had forgotten to release the hand brake until i was already on the freeway. so i released it then, and then 5 min later i was trying to brake and my brake stopped working. i was going even faster approaching the car in front of me at 75 mph. i freaked and hit the other pedal (gas pedal) and the car went even farther... so i swerved to the lane next to me and then back and just went like this for minutes until my car slowed down. can you imagine? being on the freeway and your brake is not working...and there was no place to exit cuz i was at a freeway junction. finally i had an opportunity to leave, meanwhile all the cars around me were completely freaked out. they all followed 500 meters behind me slowly, probably thinking i just had a seizure or my car broke down. i drove home slowly every time having to brake 500 meters before a light so i could come to a stop. Definitely wil have to fix that car tomorrow. i almost lost my life over it!

In short, a very interesting weekend indeed. Thank god i'm still alive. :)

1 則留言:

LuKerr 提到...

The last part of this post is so scary!!! I'm so glad you are okay! Thank God!